郑春红 副研究员
郑春红博士 副研究员
研究方向: 单细胞肿瘤免疫组学
1) 2006.09-2012.07 北京大学,工51直播 ,生物力学与医学工程专业,博士
2) 2002.09-2006.07 北京工业大学,生命科学与生物工程51直播 ,生物医学工程专业,学士
1) 2023.09至今 北京大学肿瘤医院,双聘助理教授
2) 2023.03至今 北京大学,国际癌症研究院,副研究员/助理教授
3) 2017.07-2022.07 美国普罗维登斯癌症研究院,Earle A. Chiles研究院,博士后
4) 2014.07-2017.06 北京大学,生物医学前沿创新中心,博士后
5) 2012.07-2014.07 北京大学,生物医学前沿创新中心,专业技术人员
1) The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation Research Fellowship Program, “Single-cell Immunogenomic Profiling of Neoantigen-reactive T Cells in Human Cholangiocarcinoma”, 2018/07-2019/06, 5万美元, 课题负责人。
2) Sidney Kimmel Foundation, “Investigating and harnessing the T-cell response against mutated neoantigens in patients with epithelial cancers”, 2017/07-2019/06, 20万美元, 主要课题骨干。
3) 国家自然科学基金委重点项目, 31530036, “癌症体系中染色体结构变异对基因表达的调控机制研究”, 2016/01-2020/12, 249万元, 主要课题骨干。
4) 国家自然科学基金委面上项目, 81573022, “癌症基因组突变谱的特征分析及其在预测癌症驱动性基因上的应用”, 2016/01-2019/12, 70万元, 主要课题骨干。
1) Zheng C#, Fass JN, Shih YP, Gunderson AJ, Sanjuan Silva N, Huang H, Bernard BM, Rajamanickam V, Slagel J, Bifulco CB, Piening B, Newell PHA, Hansen PD, Tran E# (2022). Transcriptomic profiles of neoantigen-reactive T cells in human gastrointestinal cancers. Cancer Cell, 2022 Apr; 40(4):410-423, PMID: 35413272. (#correspondence author)
2) Leidner R, Sanjuan Silva N, Huang H, Sprott D, Zheng C, Shih YP, Leung A, Payne R, Sutcliffe K, Cramer J, Rosenberg SA, Fox BA, Urba WJ, Tran E (2022). Neoantigen T-cell receptor gene therapy in pancreatic cancer. The New England Journal of Medicine, 2022 Jun; 386(22):2112-2119, PMID: 35648703.
3) Guo X*, Zhang Y*, Zheng L*, Zheng C*, Song J*, Zhang Q, Kang B, Liu Z, Jin L, Xing R, Gao R, Zhang L, Dong M, Hu X, Ren X, Kirchhoff D, Roider HG, Yan T, Zhang Z (2018). Global characterization of T cells in non-small cell lung cancer by single-cell sequencing. Nature Medicine, 2018 Jul; 24(7):978-985, PMID: 29942094. (*Co-first author, 引用次数779)
4) Zheng C*, Zheng L*, Yoo JK*, Guo H*, Zhang Y*, Guo X*, Kang B, Hu R, Huang JY, Zhang Q, Liu Z, Dong M, Hu X, Ouyang W, Peng J, Zhang Z (2017). Landscape of infiltrating T cells in liver cancer revealed by single-cell sequencing. Cell, 2017 Jun; 169(7):1342-1356, PMID: 28622514. (*Co-first author, 引用次数1243)
5) Zheng C*, Zhang X*, Li C, Pang Y, Huang Y (2017). Microfluidic device for studying controllable hydrodynamic flow induced cellular responses. Analytical Chemistry, 2017 Mar; 89(6), 3710-3715, PMID: 28225604. (*Co-first author)
6) Zheng C, Zhou H, Liu X, Pang Y, Zhang B, Huang Y (2014). Fish in chips: an automated microfluidic device to study drug dynamics in vivo using zebrafish embryos. Chemical Communications, 2014 Jan; 50(8), 981-984, PMID: 24305733.
7) Zheng C*, Yu Z*, Zhou Y*, Tao L, Pang Y, Chen T, Zhang X, Qiu H, Zhou H, Chen Z, Huang Y (2012). Live cell imaging analysis of the epigenetic regulation of the human endothelial cell migration at single cell resolution. Lab on a Chip, 2012 Sep; 12(17), 3063-3072, PMID: 22688181. (*Co-first author)
8) Zheng C, Wang J, Pang Y, Wang J, Li W, Ge Z, Huang Y (2012). High-throughput immunoassay through in-channel microfluidic patterning. Lab on a Chip, 2012 Jul; 12(14), 2487-2490, PMID: 22549364.
9) Zheng C, Chen G, Pang Y, Huang Y (2012). An integrated microfluidic device for long-term culture of isolated single mammalian cells. Science China Chemistry, 2012 Apr; 55(4), 502–507.
10) Zheng C*, Zhao L*, Chen G, Zhou Y, Pang Y, Huang Y (2012). Quantitative study of the dynamic tumor-endothelial cell interactions through an integrated microfluidic coculture system. Analytical Chemistry, 2012 Feb; 84(4), 2088-2093, PMID: 22263607. (*Co-first author)
11) Fei P, He Z, Zheng C, Chen T, Men Y, Huang Y (2011). Discretely tunable optofluidic compound microlenses. Lab on a Chip, 2011 Sep; 11(17), 2835-2841, PMID: 21799999.
12) Zhao BS, Liang Y, Song Y, Zheng C, Hao Z, ChenPR (2010). A highly selective fluorescent probe for visualization of organic hydroperoxides in living cells. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2010 Dec; 132(48), 17065-17067, PMID: 21077671.
1) 张泽民,郑春红,郑良涛,张园园,郭心怡,胡学达;“癌症中的T细胞亚群及其特征基因”,2017.06.13,中国,ZL201710443584.3。
2) 张泽民,郑春红,郑良涛,张园园,郭心怡,胡学达,董明晖;“癌症特异性TCR及其分析技术和应用”,2018.06.13,中国,ZL201810609282.3。
3) 张泽民,张园园,郭心怡,郑良涛,郑春红,胡学达;“肺癌中的T细胞亚群及其特征基因”,2017.11.15,中国,ZL201711131282.9。
1) “肿瘤浸润T细胞的单细胞图谱”工作被评为2020年度北京市自然科学一等奖
2) 2018年被The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation授予Jacques Dupont Memorial Research Fellowship
3) “单细胞测序全景刻画肝癌浸润T细胞”工作入选细胞出版社2017中国年度论文
4) “肝癌T细胞免疫图谱被绘制”工作被评为2017年度中国十大医学科技新闻
5) “基于单细胞测序的肝癌免疫图谱”工作被评为2017年度中国生命科学十大进展
6) 2017年度北京大学优秀博士后奖
7) 2015-2016年度北大-清华生命科学联合中心优秀博士后基金