鲁凤民 教授
联系方式:[email protected]
1997-2005年先后留学瑞典Karolinska医51直播 、美国宾夕法尼亚大学等。
主要从事病毒性肝炎的实验室诊断、HBV感染相关肝癌发病机制等研究。作为课题负责人承担的课题有“艾滋病和病毒性肝炎等重大传染病防治”科技重大专项“十一五” I期课题“乙型和丙型病毒性肝炎诊断及临床监测的研究”、 “十二五” 课题 “乙型病毒性肝炎临床诊断及监测技术的研究”;北京市科技计划“病毒性肝炎防治关键技术研究”课题;国家自然科学基金面上项目“HBx通过激活ERKs影响细胞周期素D1蛋白质转移”; 以及“863”、“973”计划等。 在病毒性肝炎研究方面曾获国家科技进步二等奖一次。在包括New England Journal of Medicine、Cancer Research、American Journal of Human Genetics、Cancer Cell等杂志共发表SCI收录研究论文约50篇,中文论文50余篇。
1.Association of TNF-alpha genetic polymorphisms with hepatocellular carcinoma susceptibility: a case-control study in a Han Chinese population. Int J Biol Markers, 2011. 26(3): 181-187.
2.Aberrant expression of microRNA 155 may accelerate cell proliferation by targeting sex-determining region Y box 6 in hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer, 2011(Epub)
3.A higher correlation of HCV core antigen with CD4+ T cell counts compared with HCV RNA in HCV/HIV-1 coinfected patients. PLoS One, 2011. 6(8): e23550.
4.Characteristics and PD-1 expression of peripheral CD4+CD127loCD25hiFoxP3+ Treg cells in chronic HCV infected-patients. Virol J, 2011. 8: p 279.
5.Toll-like receptors and cytokines/cytokine receptors polymorphisms associate with non-response to hepatitis B vaccine. Vaccine, 2011. 29(4): 706-711.
6.PD-1 expression on peripheral CD8+ TEM/TEMRA subsets closely correlated with HCV viralload in chronic hepatitis C patients. Virol J, 2010. 7: p. 310
7.SOX17 antagonizes WNT/beta-catenin signaling pathway in hepatocellular carcinoma. Epigenetics, 2010. 5(8): 743-749.
8.Epidemiology and prevention of hepatitis B virus infection in China. Lu FM., Li T., Liu S. and Zhuang H. Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 2010, 17 (Suppl. 1): 4–9.
9.Increased PD-L1 expression and PD-L1/CD86 ratio on dendritic cells were associated with impaired dendritic cells function in HCV infection. J Med Virol, 2010. 82(7): 1152-1159.
10. Distributional characteristics of CD25 and CD127 on CD4+ T cell subsets in chronic HCV infection. Arch Virol, 2010. 155(5): 627-634
11.Association between epidermal growth factor 61A/G polymorphism and hepatocellular carcinoma susceptibility in Chinese patients. Liver Int, 2010. 30(1): 112-118.