王欢 副研究员
王 欢 副研究员
中国北京市海淀区51直播 路38号51直播-51直播网 系统生物医学研究所 100191
电子邮箱:[email protected]
王欢,51直播-51直播网 系统生物医学研究所特聘副研究员,博士生导师。其博士后阶段在美国哈佛大学医51直播 及博士阶段在美国科罗拉多大学博尔德分校,分别从事系统药理学和心脏组织工程方面的研究。具体研究方向包括抗肿瘤药物引起心脏毒性的机制及潜在靶点,多组学数据的整合分析,微环境理化因子的调控机制。至今在Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Cell Systems, Nature Reviews Cardiology, FASEB J等业界知名期刊上发表学术论文数篇。主持国自然基金一项。目前担任中国病生理学会系统生物医学青年专委会委员。
2018.7 ~ 至今51直播-51直播网 系统生物医学研究所副研究员
2014.9 ~ 2018.6 哈佛医51直播 ,系统生物学系,博士后(导师:Peter K. Sorger)
2013.5 ~ 2014.9 科罗拉多大学波尔德分校,化学与生物工程系,博士后(导师:Kristi S. Anseth)
2006.9 ~ 2013.5 科罗拉多大学波尔德分校,分子,细胞与发育生物学系,博士(导师: Leslie A. Leinwand and Kristi S. Anseth)
2004.9 ~ 2005.6 香港中文大学, 生物系, 交换学生
2002.9 ~ 2006.7 浙江大学,生物技术系,学士
Education and working experience
2018.7 ~ present Peking University Health Science Center, Institute of Systems Biomedicine, Assistant professor
2014.9 ~ 2018.6 Harvard Medical School,Department of Systems Biology,Postdoctoral fellow (Adviser: Peter K. Sorger)
2013.5 ~ 2014.9 University of Colorado at Boulder, Chemical and Biological Engineering,Postdoctoral fellow (Adviser: Kristi S. Anseth)
2006.9 ~ 2013.5 University of Colorado at Boulder, Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, PhD. (Advisers: Leslie Leinwand and Kristi Anseth)
2004.9 ~ 2005.6 Chinese University of Hong Kong, Exchange student
2002.9 ~ 2006.7 Zhejiang University, Department of Biotechnology, B.S. in Biotechnology (graduated with summa cum laude)
抗肿瘤药物所引起的心脏毒性 多组学数据的整合分析 心肌组织再生工程
Research directions:
1. Drug-induced cardiotoxicity (We will initially focus on cancer drugs, such as tyrosine kinase inhibitors, immune checkpoint inhibitors, etc.)
2. Integrative multi-omics (transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics) data analysis
3. Cardiac muscle tissue engineering
Representative publications (代表性论文):
1. Wang H, Sheehan RP, Palmer AC, Everley RA, Boswell SA, Ron-Harel N, Ringel AE, Holton KM, Jacobson CA, Alison RE, Maliszewski L, Haigis MC, Sorger PK. Adaptation of Human iPSC-Derived Cardiomyocytes to Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors Reduces Acute Cardiotoxicity via Metabolic Reprogramming. Cell Syst 8, 412-426.e7 (2019).
2. Wang H, Tibbitt MW, Langer SJ, Leinwand LA and Anseth KS. Hydrogels preserve native phenotypes of valvular fibroblasts through an elasticity-regulated PI3K/AKT pathway. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 110 (48): 19336-19341 (2013).
3. Wang H, Leinwand LA and Anseth KS. Cardiac valve cells and their microenvironment—insights from in vitro studies, Nature Reviews Cardiology, 11(12):715-727 (2014).
4. Wang H, Leinwand LA and Anseth KS. Roles of transforming growth factor-β1 and OB-cadherin in porcine cardiac valve myofibroblast differentiation, The FASEB Journal, 28(10):4551-4562 (2014).
5. Wang H, Haeger SM, Kloxin AK, Leinwand LA and Anseth KS. Redirecting valvular myofibroblasts into dormant fibroblasts through light-mediated reduction in substrate modulus. PLoS ONE, 7(7):e39969 (2012).
6. Wang H, Sridhar B, Leinwand LA, Anseth KS. Characterization of cell subpopulations expressing progenitor cell markers in porcine cardiac valves. PLoS ONE, 8(7): e69667. //doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0069667(2013).
Institute of Systems Biomedicine
Peking University School of Medical Sciences.
Xueyuan Road 38,
Haidian District, Beijing 100191
Email:[email protected]