梁静 研究员
Email:[email protected]
北京大学医学部(原北京医科大学)临床医学系本科、儿科学硕士,美国马里兰大学(University of Maryland, Baltimore)细胞与分子生物学博士。2004年回国加入51直播 生化系,长期专注于肿瘤分子生物学及表观遗传调控的分子机理。2017-2018年在贝勒医51直播 (Baylor College of Medicine)做访问学者,从事代谢及神经系统的研究。任中国生化学会医学分会青年委员会委员、中国医药教育协会转化医学专业委员会常务委员。先后主持教育部新世纪人才项目、科技部973课题、国家自然基金委国际合作项目、多个面上项目、以及北医-密执根转化医学联合基金等。在 Molecular Cell , Science Advances , Nature Communications , EMBO Journal 等有影响力的国际学术期刊发表一系列研究论文,获国家发明专利两项,并担任 Molecular Cancer , EMBO Reports , FASEB Journal , JBC 等杂志审稿人。
1. Zhang Z, Liu X, Li L, Yang Y, Yang J, Wang Y, Wu J, Wu X, Shan L, Pei F, Liu J, Wang S, Li W, Sun L, Liang J*, Shang Y*. SNP rs4971059 predisposes to breast carcinogenesis and chemoresistance via TRIM46-mediated HDAC1 degradation. EMBO J. 40 (19): e107974, 2021
2. Yu H#, Bu C#, Liu Y, Gong T, Liu X, Liu S, Peng X, Zhang W, Peng Y, Yang J, He L, Zhang Y, Yi X, Yang X, Sun L, Shang Y, Cheng Z*, Liang J*. Global crotonylome reveals CDYL-regulated RPA1 crotonylation in homologous recombination-mediated DNA repair. Sci Adv. 6 (11): eaay4697, 2020
3. Liu Y#, Li M#, Fan M, Song Y, Yu H, Zhi X, Xiao K, Lai S, Zhang J, Jin X, Shang Y, Liang J*, Huang Z*. Chromodomain Y-like Protein-Mediated Histone Crotonylation Regulates Stress-Induced Depressive Behaviors. Biol Psychiatry. 85(8): 635-649, 2019
4. Liu S, Yu H, Liu Y, Liu X, Zhang Y, Bu C, Yuan S, Chen Z, Xie G, Li W, Xu B, Yang J, He L, Jin T, Xiong Y, Sun L, Liu X, Han C, Cheng Z, Liang J*, Shang Y*. Chromodomain protein CDYL acts as a crotonyl-CoA hydratase to regulate histone crotonylation and spermatogenesis. Mol Cell. 67(5): 853-866, 2017
5. Liu Y#, Lai S#, Ma W, Ke W, Zhang C, Liu S, Zhang Y, Pei F, Li S, Yi M, Shu Y, Shang Y, Liang J*, Huang Z*. CDYL suppresses epileptogenesis through repression of axonal Nav1.6 sodium channel expression. Nat Commun. 8(1):355. doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-00368-z, 2017
6. Xie G, Liu X, Zhang Y, Li W, Liu S, Chen Z, Xu B, Yang J, He L, Zhang Z, Jin T, Yi X, Sun L, Shang Y, and Liang J*. UTX promotes hormonally responsive breast carcinogenesis through feed-forward transcription regulation with estrogen receptor. Oncogene . 36 (39): 5497-5511, 2017
7. Liu Y, Liu S, Yuan S, Yu H, Zhang Y, Yang X, Xie G, Chen Z, Li W, Xu B, Sun L, Shang Y, Liang J*. Chromodomain protein CDYL is required for transmission/restoration of repressive histone marks. J Mol Cell Biol. 9(3):178-194, 2017
8. Qi C#, Liu S#, Qin R, Zhang Y, Wang G, Shang Y, Wang Y* and Liang J*. Coordinated regulation of dendrite arborization by epigenetic factors CDYL and EZH2. J Neurosci. 34: 4494-4508, 2014
9. Yang X, Yang J, Li L, Sun L, Yi X, Han X, Si W, Yan R, Chen Z, Xie G, Li W, Shang Y, Liang J*. PAAT, a novel ATPase and trans-regulator of mitochondrial ABC transporters, is critically involved in the maintenance of mitochondrial homeostasis. FASEB J. 28:4821-34, 2014
10. Liang J and Shang Y*. Estrogen and cancer. Annu Rev Physiol. 75: 225-240, 2013.
11. Zhang Y, Yang X, Gui B, Xie G, Zhang D, Shang Y, Liang J*. Corepressor protein CDYL functions as a molecular bridge between polycomb repressor complex 2 and repressive chromatin mark trimethylated histone lysine 27. J Biol Chem. 286: 42414-42425, 2011
12. Liang J, Zhang H, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Shang Y*. GAS, a novel glutamate-rich protein, interacts differentially with SRCs and is involved in oestrogen receptor function. EMBO Rep. 10: 51-57, 2009