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陈军 副教授






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衰老的分子机制研究主要聚焦于衰老相关分泌表型(senescence-associated secretory phenotype, SASP调控、端粒酶复合体组装和活性调节p16等细胞衰老关键基因的表达调控、RNA结合蛋白在细胞衰老中的作用等方面衰老的干预研究主要聚焦于小分子化合物在延缓机体衰老和预防衰老相关疾病中的作用。





1. Chenzhong Xu, Nan Xie, Yuanyuan Su, Zhaomeng Sun, Yao Liang, Na Zhang, Doudou Liu, Shuqin Jia, Xiaofang Xing, Limin Han, Guodong Li, Tanjun Tong, Jun Chen*. HnRNP F/H associate with hTERC and telomerase holoenzyme to modulate telomerase function and promote cell proliferation. Cell Death & Differ. 2020 Jun; 27(6):1998-2013.

2. Yao Liang, Yuanyuan Su, Chenzhong Xu, Na Zhang, Doudou Liu, Guodong Li, Tanjun Tong, Jun Chen*. Protein kinase D1 phosphorylation of KAT7 enhances its protein stability and promotes replication licensing and cell proliferation. Cell Death & Discovery. 2020 Sep 18; 6:89.

3. Sun Zhaomeng, Zhao Lijun, Su Li, Fan Qing, Xu Chenzhong, Su Yuanyuan, Liang Yao, Li Guodong, Xue Yanxue, Tong Tanjun, Chen Jun*. Long-term every-other-day administration of DMAMCL has little effect on aging and age-associated physiological decline in mice. Aging (Albany NY). 2019 May 2; 11(9):2583-2609.

4. Su Yuanyuan, Xu Chenzhong, Sun Zhaomeng, Liang Yao, Li Guodong, Tong Tanjun, Chen Jun*. S100A13 promotes senescence-associated secretory phenotype and cellular senescence via modulation of non-classical secretion of IL-1α. Aging (Albany NY). 2019 Jan 23; 11(2):549-572.

5. Su Yuanyuan, Wang Pengfeng, Shen Hong, Sun Zhaomeng, Xu Chenzhong, Li Guodong, Tong Tanjun, Chen Jun*. Protein kinase D1-mediated classical protein secretory pathway regulates oncogene Ras-induced senescent response. J Cell Sci. 2018 Mar 16; 131(6). pii: jcs207217.

6. Hui Wang, Limin Han, Ganye Zhao, Hong Shen, Pengfeng Wang, Zhaomeng Sun, Chenzhong Xu, Yuanyuan Su, Guodong Li, Tanjun Tong* and Jun Chen*. hnRNP A1 antagonizes cellular senescence and senescence-associated secretory phenotype via regulation of SIRT1 mRNA stability. Aging Cell (2016) 15, 1063–1073.

7. Wang Pan, Han LiMin, Shen Hong, Wang PengFeng, Lv CuiCui, Zhao GanYe, Niu Jing, Xue LiXiang, Wang QimingJane, Tong TanJun*, Chen Jun*. Protein kinase D1 is essential for Ras-induced senescence and tumor suppression by regulating senescence-associated inflammation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 May 27; 111(21):7683-8.