51直播» 教师队伍» 导师介绍


汪丽恒 研究员





51直播-51直播网 心血管所,血管稳态与重构国家重点实验室




E-mail: [email protected]


2003.9-2007.7 中国农业大学生物科学专业本科生

2007.8-2009.5 美国阿肯色大学医51直播 生理与生物物理研究生2009.8-2015.5 美国哥伦比亚大学营养与代谢生物学博士研究生

2015.6-2016.7  美国哥伦比亚大学儿科博士后

2016.8-2018.6 美国哥伦比亚大学内分泌专业博士后

2018.7-2022.8 美国哥伦比亚大学内分泌助理研究员

2022.9-2023.7 美国纽约西奈山医51直播 代谢研究所助理教授


2014-2015 Member, International Society for Stem Cell Research

2016-2017 Member, The Obesity Society

2015-   Member, The American Association for the Advancement of Science

2022- Member, Chinese American Diabetes Association

2023- Member, American Diabetes Association

2023- Member, Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America


2019 Regeneron scholarship for the 2019 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory course “Computational Genomics”

2014 Keystone Symposia scholarship “A Multisystems Perspective”

2012 Travel award of the 2nd International Hyperphagia Conference

2012 Travel award of the NIDDK “Body Fat Disorders” Conference

2011 Marija Chouinard Awards for Excellence in Research, Institute of Human Nutrition, Columbia University (Highest award for IHN student)




National Institute of   Health/NIDDK

Role: PI


Pilot & Feasibility grant   

Einstein-Mount Sinai DRC

Role: PI


R03DK138257 (Pending, fundable score)

National Institute of Health/NIDDK

Role: PI



1. Wang L*, Yu J, Zhou Q, Wang X, Mukhanova M, Du W, Sun L, Pajvani UB, Accili D. TOX4, an insulin receptor-independent regulator of hepatic glucose production, is activated in diabetic liver. Cell Metab. 2022 Jan 4;34(1):158-170. (*Co-corresponding author)

2. Aaron N, Kraakman MJ, Zhou Q, Liu Q, Costa S, Yang J, Liu L, Yu L, Wang L, He Y, Fan L, Hirakawa H, Ding L, Lo J, Wang W, Zhao B, Guo E, Sun L, Rosen CJ, Qiang L. Adipsin promotes bone marrow adiposity by priming mesenchymal stem cells. eLife. 2021 Jun 22;10:e69209.

3. Wang L*, Liu Y, Stratigopoulos G, Panigrahi SK, Sui L, Zhang Y, LeDuc CA, Glover HJ, De Rosa MC, Burnett LC, Williams DJ, Shang L, Goland R, Tsang SH, Wardlaw SL, Egli D, Zheng D, Doege CA, Leibel RL. Bardet-Biedl syndrome proteins regulate intracellular signaling and neuronal function in patient-specific iPSC-derived neurons. J Clin Invest. 2021 Apr 15;131(8):e146287. (*Co-corresponding author, Cover story)

4. Liu Q*, Yu J*, Wang L*, Tang Y, Zhou Q, Ji S, Wang Y, Santos L, Haeusler RA, Que J, Rajbhandari P, Lei X, Valenti L, Pajvani UB, Qin J, Qiang L. Inhibition of PU.1 ameliorates metabolic dysfunction and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. J Hepatol. 2020 Mar:S0168-8278(20)30124-0. (*: co-first author)

5. Wang L, Liu Q, Kitamoto T, Hou J, Qin J, Accili D. Identification of insulin-responsive transcription factors that regulate glucose production by hepatocytes. Diabetes. 2019 Jun; 68(6): 1156-1167.

6. Wang L, De Solis AJ, Goffer Y, Kathryn E. Birkenbach KE, Engle SE, Tanis R , Levenson JM, Li X, Rausch R, Purohit M, Lee J, Tan J, De Rosa MC, Doege CA, Aaron HL, Martins GJ, Brüning JC, Egli D, Costa R, Berbari N, Leibel RL, Stratigopoulos G. Ciliary gene RPGRIP1L is required for hypothalamic arcuate neuron development. JCI Insight. 2019 Feb; 4(3):e123337.

7. Wang L, Sui L, Panigrahi SK, Meece K, Doege CA, Wardlaw SL, Egli D, Leibel RL. PC1/3 Deficiency Impacts Pro-opiomelanocortin Processing in Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Hypothalamic Neurons. Stem Cell Reports. 2017 Feb; 14;8(2):264-277.

8. Burnett LC, LeDuc CA, Sulsona CR, Paull D, Rausch R, Eddiry S, Carli JF, Morabito MV, Skowronski AA, Hubner G, Zimmer M, Wang L, Day R, Levy B, Fennoy I, Dubern B, Poitou C, Clement K, Butler MG, Rosenbaum M, Salles JP, Tauber M, Driscoll DJ, Egli D, Leibel RL. Deficiency in prohormone convertase PC1 impairs prohormone processing in Prader-Willi syndrome. J Clin Invest. 2017 Jan; 127(1):293-305.

9. Wang L, Egli D, Leibel RL. Efficient generation of hypothalamic neurons from human pluripotent stem cells. Curr Protoc Hum Genet. 2016 Jul; 90:21.5.1-21.5.14.

10. Wang L, Meece K, Williams DJ, Lo KA, Zimmer M, Heinrich G, Martin Carli J, Leduc CA, Sun L, Zeltser LM, Freeby M, Goland R, Tsang SH, Wardlaw SL, Egli D, Leibel RL. Differentiation of hypothalamic-like neurons from human pluripotent stem cells. J Clin Invest. 2015 Feb;125(2):796-808.