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薛瑞栋 研究员





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薛瑞栋,研究员,助理教授,博士生导师,国家优青,北京市科技新星,北大博雅青年学者。任职于北京大学-云南白药国际医学研究中心、国际癌症研究院、51直播 医学生物信息系及北京大学第一医院肿瘤转化研究中心。2018年在北京大学生命科学51直播 获得博士学位(BIOPIC白凡组),期间在英国伦敦大学51直播 UCL/the Francis Crick Institute 访学(Charles Swanton组),而后加入北京大学第一医院肿瘤转化研究中心张宁课题组工作(助研/副研),2023年建立独立课题组。

以(共同)第一/通讯作者发表论文13篇,包括Nature(x2)、Cancer Cell、Gastroenterology(x2)等;被多次同期评述及Nat Rev专门评述,获Faculty Opinions推荐,成果纳入国际专家共识,入选2022年度“中国生物信息学十大进展”和“细胞出版社2019中国年度论文”。主持多项国家自然科学基金,担任国家重点研发计划研究骨干。获中国抗癌协会科技奖一等奖、北大医学青年科技奖、国际肿瘤转移协会青年研究员奖、中国肿瘤标志物学会青年科学家论文特等奖、中国棒棰岛肿瘤前沿论坛青年创新一等奖。担任国际胆管癌协会会员,中国抗癌协会肿瘤微环境专委会委员和肿瘤标志物专委会青委等。



1) 肿瘤相关中性粒细胞(TAN)的功能异质性、调控机制及诊疗策略

2) 肿瘤全生命周期亚克隆演化规律及调控机制

3) 肿瘤基因组变异、克隆演化与免疫微环境的动态互作


(#Co-first author, *Co-corresponding author)

1. Xue Ruidong#, Zhang Qiming#, Cao Qi#, Kong Ruirui#, Xiang Xiao#, …, Zhu Jiye*, Zhang Zemin*, Zhang Ning*. Liver tumor immune microenvironment subtypes and neutrophil heterogeneity. Nature 2022; 612(7938): 141-147. “2022 年度中国生物信息学十大进展”

2. Chen Lei#, Zhang Chong#, Xue Ruidong#, …, Steven G Rozen*, Bai Fan*, Wang Hongyang*. Deep whole-genome analysis of 494 hepatocellular carcinomas. Nature 2024.

3. Guo Lin#, Yi Xianfu#, Chen Lu#, …, Xue Ruidong*, Zhang Ning*. Single cell DNA sequencing reveals punctuated and gradual clonal evolution in hepatocellular carcinoma. Gastroenterology 2022;162:238-252. Editorial by Gastroenterology

4. Xiang Xiao#, Liu Ziyang#, Zhang Chong#, Li Zhao#…, Xue Ruidong*, Bai Fan*, Zhu Jiye*. IDH mutation subgroup status associates with intratumor heterogeneity and the tumor microenvironment in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. Advanced Science 2021;8:e2101230.

5. Xue Ruidong#, Chen Lu#, Zhang Chong#, Fujita Masashi#, …, Nakagawa Hidewaki*, Zeng Mu-Sheng*, Bai Fan*, Zhang Ning*. Genomic and transcriptomic profiling of combined hepatocellular and intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Reveals Distinct Molecular Subtypes. Cancer Cell (2019); 35: 932-947 e8. Preview by Cancer Cell, News and Views by Nat Rev G&H,“CellPress 2019中国年度论文”

6. Xue Ruidong#, Li Ruoyan#, Guo Hua#, Guo Lin#, …, Zhang Zemin, Xie Sunney Xiaoliang, Bai Fan*, Zhang Ning*. Variable intra-tumor genomic heterogeneity of multiple lesions in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Gastroenterology (2016); 150: 998-1008. (#Co-first author) Editorial by Gastroenterology

7. Zhang Chong #, Zhang Lin #, Xu Tianlei #, Xue Ruidong #, …, Bai Fan*, Zhang Haizeng*. Mapping the spreading routes of lymphatic metastases in human colorectal cancer. Nature Communications (2020); 11: 1993.

8. Dong Xin, Xue Ruidong. Capture a live-photo of tumor infiltrating T cell landscape at single cell resolution. Cancer Biology & Medicine (2019); 16: 619-622.  封面论文

9. Xue Ruidong#, Ma Qi#, Baker A. Matthew*, Bai Fan*. A Delicate Nanoscale Motor Made by Nature-The Bacterial Flagellar Motor. Advanced Science (2015); 2: 1500129. (#Co-first author)

10. Xue Ruidong, Li Ruoyan, Bai Fan. Single cell sequencing: technique, application, and future development. Science Bulletin (2015); 60: 33-42.