沈弢 副教授
1) HIV的感染免疫学研究
2) COVID-19的药物性肝损伤研究
1) 主持2021年国家自然科学基金面上项目(批准号:82072277)(2021-2024)
2) 主持2021年北京市自然基金面上专项(批准号:M21021)(2021-2023)
3) “十三五” 科技重大专项课题“艾滋病疫苗研究”的任务负责人(2018-2021)
4) “十三五” 科技重大专项课题“艾滋病综合治疗方案的优化及推广应用研究”的任务负责人(2017-2021)
1. Linting Lv#, ……, Hao Zhang*, Tao Shen*. Application of single-cell real-time imaging flow cytometry in rapid detection of pathogenic fungi in clinical liquid specimens. Methods and Applications in Fluorescence. 2021 Feb 18. doi: 10.1088/2050-6120/abe7ca.
2. Huilong Chen#, Xinjie Li#, ……, Tao Shen*. Cardiac Troponin I Association with Critical illness and Death Risk in 726 Seriously Ill COVID-19 Patients: A Retrospective Cohort Study. International journal of Medical Sciences. 2021; 18(6): 1474-1483.
3. Xinjie Li#, Tuohutaerbieke Marmar#, ……, Tao Shen*, Dong Xu*. Predictive indicators of severe COVID-19 independent of comorbidities and advanced age: a nested case-control study. Epidemiology and Infection, 2020 Oct 14;148: e255.
4. Tao Shen#, Yingxia Liu#, Jia Shang#, ……, Yimin Mao*, Chengwei Chen*. Incidence and etiology of drug-induced liver injury in mainland China. Gastroenterology. 2019; 156(8): 2230-2241.
5. Zhe Xie#, Jiajia Zheng#, ……, Tao Shen*. Deficient IL-2 produced by activated CD56+ T cells contributed to impaired NK cell-mediated ADCC function in chronic HIV-1 infection. Frontiers in Immunology. 2019 Jul 16;10:1647
6. Xinyi Pei#, Xueying Fan#, ……, Tao Shen*. Low frequency, weak MCP-1 secretion and exhausted immune status of peripheral monocytes were associated with progression of severe enterovirus A71-infected hand, foot, and mouth disease. Clinical & Experimental Immunology. 2019 Jun; 196(3): 353-363.
7. Linling Lv#, Yuantao Li#,……, Tao Shen*. HCV coinfection aggravated the decrease of platelet counts, but not mean platelet volume in chronic HIV-infected patients. Scientific Reports. 2018, 8: 17497.
8. Zhe Xie, ……, Tao Shen*. Polymorphisms in the Th17 cell-related RORC gene are associated with spontaneous clearance of HCV in Chinese women. BMC Infectious Diseases. 2018, 18:254.
9. Lu Long#, Manxue Jia#, ……, Tao Shen*. Non-neutralizing epitopes induce robust hepatitis C virus (HCV) - specific antibody- dependent CD56+ natural killer cell responses in chronic HCV-infected patients. Clinical & Experimental Immunology. 2017 Jul; 189(1): 92-102.
10. Liang Hua#, Xie Zhe#, Shen Tao*. Monocyte activation and cardiovascular disease in HIV infection. Cellular & Molecular Immunology. 2017 Dec;14(12):960-962.
11. Xueying Fan#, Liyan Zhu#, ……, Tao Shen* Antibody-dependent CD56+ T cell responses are functionally impaired in long-term HIV-1 infection. Retrovirology. 2016 Nov 4; 13(1):76.
12. Xiangbo Huang#, Hua Liang#, ……,Tao Shen*. Liver damage in patients with HCV/HIV coinfection is linked to HIV-related oxidative stress. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. 2016, doi:10.1155/2016/8142431.
13. Bangning Cheng#, Yulian Jin#, ……, Tao Shen*. Serum cholinesterase: a potential assistant biomarker for hand, foot, and mouth disease caused by enterovirus 71 infection. Infectious Diseases of Poverty. 2016; 5:27.
14. Xiangbo Huang#, Zhongping Deng#, ……,Tao Shen* and Fengmin Lu. Traceability, reproducibility and clinical evaluation of sansure realtime HCV RNA assay. BMC Infectious Diseases. 2016, 16:47.
15. Wang Jie#, Shen Tao#, Huang Xiangbo#,……, Fengmin Lu*. Serum hepatitis B virus RNA is encapsidated pregenome RNA that may be associated with persistence of viral infection and rebound. Journal of Hepatology. 2016; 65(4): 700-710.
16. Jian Gao#, Zhaojun Duan#, ……, Tao Shen* and Fengmin Lu*. Failure recovery of circulating NKG2D+CD56dim NK cells in HBV-associated hepatocellular carcinoma after hepatectomy predicts early recurrence. OncoImmunology. 2015, 4:11,e1048061.
17. Zhaojun Duan#, Jian Gao#, ……, Tao Shen* and Fengmin Lu*. Phenotype and function of CXCR5+CD45RA-CD4+ T cells were altered in HBV-related hepatocellular carcinoma and elevated serum CXCL13 predicted better prognosis. Oncotarget. 2015, 6(42): 44239-44253.
18. Hua Liang, ……, Tao Shen*, Yiming Shao*. Higher level of circulating monocyte-platelet aggregates correlated with viremia and increased sCD163 level in HIV-1 infection. Cellular & Molecular Immunology, 2015; 12(4): 435-443.
19. Lu Long, Tao Shen*, ……, Fengmin Lu*. Effectiveness of HCV core antigen and RNA quantification in HCV-infected and HCV/HIV-1-coinfected patients. BMC Infectious Diseases. 2014; 14:577.
20. Zhaojun Duan#, Xiangmei Chen#, ……, Tao Shen*, Fengmin Lu*. Genetic polymorphisms of CXCR5 and CXCL13 are associated with non-responsiveness to the hepatitis B vaccine. Vaccine. 2014; 32 (41):5316-22.
21. Yuan Liu#, Quanjun Lv#, ……, Tao Shen*, Fengmin Lu. Coinfection with HIV-1 alleviates iron accumulation in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection. PLoS One. 2014; 9(6): e98039
22. Jiajia Zheng#, Hua Liang#,……, Tao Shen*, Fengmin Lu*. Unbalanced PD-1/CD86 ratio on CD14++CD16+ monocyte was correlated with HCV viremia during chronic HCV infection. Cellular & Molecular Immunology. 2014;11(3):294-304.
23. Yuan Liu, Tao Shen*, ……, Fengmin Lu*. HIV coinfection accelerates decay of humoral responses in spontaneous resolvers of HCV infection. Journal of Viral Hepatitis. 2014; 21(10): 690-695.
24. Chunhui Xu#, Tao Shen#, J……, Fengmin Lu*. Higher dN/dS ratios in the HCV core gene, but not in the E1/HVR1 gene, are associated with human immunodeficiency virus-associated immunosuppression. Archives of Virology. 2012; 157(11): 2153-2162
25. Tao Shen#, Xiangmei Chen#, ……, Hui Zhuang*. A higher correlation of HCV core antigen with CD4+ T cell counts compared with HCV RNA in HCV/HIV-1 coinfected patients. PLoS One. 2011; 6(8): e23550.
26. Tao Shen#, Jiajia Zheng#, …..., Fengmin Lu*. Characteristics and PD-1 expression of peripheral CD4+CD127loCD25hiFoxP3+ Treg cells in chronic HCV infected-patients. Virology Journal. 2011; 8:279.
27. Tao Shen#, ……, Fengmin Lu*, Hui Zhuang*. PD-1 expression on peripheral CD8+ TEM/TEMRA subsets closely correlated with HCV viral load in chronic hepatitis C patients. Virology Journal. 2010; 7:310.
28. Tao Shen*, ……, Shuang Liu*. Distributional Characteristics of CD25 and CD127 expression on CD4+ T cell subsets in HCV chronic infection. Archives of Virology. 2010; 155(5):627-634.
29. Tao Shen*, ……, Shuang Liu*. Increased PD-L1 expression and PD-L1/CD86 ratio on dendritic cells were inversely associated with impaired dendritic cells function in HCV infection. Journal of Medical Virology. 2010; 82(7):1152-1159.
30. Tao Shen#, ……, Booki Min*. T cell-derived IL-3 plays key role in parasite infection-induced basophil production but is dispensable for in vivo basophil survival. International Immunology. 2008; 20(9):1201-1209.
31. Tao Shen#, ……,Yiming Shao*. Amino acid mutations of the infectious clone from Chinese EIAV attenuated vaccine resulted in reversion of virulence. Vaccine. 2006; 24(6): 738-749.
1. 沈弢,张浩. 发明专利:一种富集病原菌的平衡液及其制备方法和应用。受理号:2020101033949。申请时间:2020-2-19。
2. 沈弢,张浩,吕琳婷. 发明专利:一种细菌检测试剂盒及其应用。受理号:2020101033953。申请时间:2020-2-19。
3. 沈弢,张浩,吕琳婷. 发明专利:一种真菌检测试剂盒及其应用。受理号:2020101034119。申请时间:2020-2-19。
4. 沈弢,张浩,吕琳婷,郑佳佳,许强,屠静,王誉雅. 发明专利:一种真菌感染检测试剂盒及其应用。受理号:201910315798。申请时间:2019-4-18。
5. 沈弢,张浩,吕琳婷,郑佳佳,许强,屠静,王誉雅. 发明专利:一种真菌检测方法。受理号:201911109885。申请时间:2019-11-12。
6. 吕琳婷,张浩,沈弢. 实用新型专利:一种微生物富集磁座。受理号:201921862893。申请时间:2019-10-31。
7. 吕琳婷,张浩,沈弢. 外观设计专利:微生物富集磁座。受理号:201930596476。申请时间:2019-10-31。
1994年本科毕业于蚌埠医51直播 ,2002年硕士毕业于卫生部武汉生物制品研究所,2005年博士毕业于中国疾病预防控制中心性病艾滋病预防控制中心。2006年分别在美国克利夫兰临床基金会医院(The Cleveland Clinic)和凯斯西储大学医51直播 (Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine)从事博士后研究。北京微生物学会第十一届理事会理事,《中华微生物学和免疫学杂志》和《中国输血杂志》编委。参编多部《医学微生物学》相关本专科教材。担任多个国际学术期刊和多家中文学术期刊的同行评审专家。