王文恭 教授
教工:王文恭教授([email protected])
张晓伟副教授([email protected])
姜彬主管技师([email protected])
1. Chang N, Yi J, Guo G, Liu X, Shang Y, Tong T, Cui Q, Zhan M, Gorospe M, and Wang W. 2010. HuR uses AUF1 as a cofactor to promote p16INK4 mRNA decay. Mol. Cell. Biol. 30:3875-86.
2. Li H, Wang W, Liu X,. Pauson EK, Yee AS, Zhang X. Transcriptional factor HBP1 targets P16INK4A, upregulating its expression and consequently is involved in Ras-induced premature senescence. Oncogene, 2010, 29:5083-5094.
3. Yi J, Chang N, Liu X, Guo G, Xue L,Tong T, Gorospe M, and Wang W. 2010. Reduced Nuclear Export of HuR mRNA by HuR Is Linked to the Loss of HuR in Replicative Senescence. Nucleic Acids Res. 38:1547-58.
4. Guo G, Ma L, Jiang B, Yi J, Tong T, and Wang W. 2010. Hydrogen peroxide induces p16INK4 through an AUF1-dependent manner. J. Cell. Biochem. 109:1000-1005.
5. Xu F, Zhang X, Lei Y, Liu X, Liu Z, Tong T, Wang W. 2010. Loss of repression of HuR translation by miR-16 may be responsible for the elevation of HuR in human breast carcinoma. J Cell Biochem. 111:727–734.
6. Ma L, Chang N, Guo S, Zhang Z, Wang W, and Tong T. 2008. CSIG Regulates PTEN Translation in Replicative Senescence. Mol. Cel. Biol., 28:6290-301.
7. Wu J, Xue L, Weng M, Sun Y, Zhang Z, Wang* W, and Tong T. 2007. Sp1 is Essential for p16INK4a Expression in Human Diploid Fibroblasts during Senescence. PLOSONE, 1(e164):1-8.
8. Wang W, Yang X, Martindale J, and Gorospe M. 2005. AUF1-Mediated mRNA Turnover is Responsible for Up-regulation of p16 during Replicative Senescence. EMBO Rep., 6: 158-164.
9. Wang W*, Yang X, Kawai T, Lopez De Silanes I, Mazan-Mamczarz K, Chen P, Chook Y, Quensel C, Kohler M, Gorospe M. 2004. AMPK-Regulated Acetylation and Phosphorylation of Importin-a1: Involvement in the Nuclear Import of RNA-binding Protein HuR. J. Biol. Chem., 279: 48376-88.
10.Yang X, Wang W, Fan J, Lal A, Yang D, Cheng H, and Gorospe M. 2004. Prostaglandin A2-mediated Stabilization of p21 mRNA through an ERK-dependent Pathway Requiring RNA-binding Protein HuR. J. Biol. Chem., 279: 49298-306.
11. Galban S, Martindale J, Fan J, Lopez I, Mazan-Mamczarz K, Wang W, Decker J, and Gorospe M. 2003. Influence of RNA-Binding Protein HuR in pVHL-Regulated p53 Expression in Renal Carcinoma Cells. Mol. Cel. Biol., 23 : 7083-7095.
12. Wang W, Yang X, Lopez I, Carking D, and Gorospe M. 2003. In creased AMP: ATP Ratio and AMP-activated Protein Kinase Activity during Cellular Senescence Linked to Reduced HuR Function. J. Biol. Chem., 278: 27016-27023.
13. Fan J, Yang X, Wang W, Wood III WH, Becker KG., and Gorospe M. 2002. Global Analysis of Stress-Regulated mRNA Turnover by Using cDNA Arrays. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 99: 10611-10616.
14. Wang W, Fan J, Yang X, Furer-Galban S, Lopez I, Kobbe C, Guo J, Georas S, Foufelle F, Hardie D. Carking D, and Gorospe M. 2002. AMP-Activated Kinase Regulates Cytoplasm HuR, Mol. Cel. Biol., 22 : 3425-3436.
15. Wang W, Yang X, Cristofalo V, Holbrook N, and Gorospe M. 2001. Loss of HuR is Linked to Reduced Expression of Proliferative Genes during Replicative Senescence. Mol. Cel. Biol., 21: 5889-5898.
16. Lin S, Wang W. Wilson G.M, Brewer G., Holbrook N, and Gorospe M. 2000. Down-regulation of Cyclin D1 Expression by Prostagladin A2 Is Mediated by Enhanced mRNA Turnover Associated with Binding of AUF1. Mol. Cel. Biol., 20 : 7903-7913.
17. Wang W, Caldwell MC, Lin S, Furneaux H, and Gorospe M. 2000. HuR Regulates Cyclin A and Cyclin B1 mRNA Stability during Cell Proliferation. EMBO J., 19: 2340-2350.
18. Wang W, Furneaux H, Caldwell MC, Hutter C, Holbrook N, and Gorospe M. 2000. HuR Regulates p21 mRNA Stabilization by Ultraviolet light. Mol. Cel. Biol., 20:760-769, 2000.
19. Wang W and Passaniti A. 1999. Extracellular Matrix Inhibits Apoptosis and Enhances Endothelial Differentiation by a NF-kB-dependent Mechanism. J. Cell. Biochem., 73: 321-331.