付毅 研究员
付毅 北京大学医学部生理学与病理生理学系研究员,博士生导师
2009年获北京大学医学部生理学博士学位。2009-2012年在澳大利亚Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute从事博士后研究工作。主要研究方向为血管炎症与动脉粥样硬化。目前在Cell Res、Circ Res、Blood、ATVB等杂志发表论文30余篇,并获2019年国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目资助。现任中国生理学会基质生物学专业委员会委员和青年工作委员会委员。
1999-2004 四川大学华西临床医51直播 临床医学学士
2004-2009 北京大学医学部51直播 生理学博士
2009-2012 澳大利亚Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute 博士后 专业:血管药理学
2012-至今 北京大学医学部生理学与病理生理学系 专业:人体生理学
1. Fu Y, Huang Y, Yang Z, Chen Y, Zheng J, Mao C, Li Z, Liu Z, Yu B, Li T, Wang M, Xu C, Zhou Y, Zhao G, Jia Y, Guo W, Jia X, Zhang T, Li L, Liu Z, Guo S, Ma M, Zhang H, Liu B, Du J, Wang W, Tang C, Gao P, Xu Q, Wang X, Liu J, Sun J, Kong W. Cartilage oligomeric matrix protein is an endogenous β-arrestin-2-selective allosteric modulator of AT1 receptor counteracting vascular injury. Cell Res. 2021;31(7):773-790.
2. Liu Y, Liu Z, Tang H, Shen Y, Gong Z, Xie N, Zhang X, Wang W, Kong W, Zhou Y*, Fu Y*. The N6-methyladenosine (m6A)-forming enzyme METTL3 facilitates M1 macrophage polarization through the methylation of STAT1 mRNA. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2019;317(4):C762-C775.
3. Ma B, Yao F, Xie N, Mao C, Liu F, Gong Z, Zhao G, Liu Z, Cai Z, Yu F, Dai R, Chen Z, Wang L, Xu Q*, Kong W*, Fu Y*. Cartilage oligomeric matrix protein is a novel notch ligand driving embryonic stem cell differentiation towards the smooth muscle lineage. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2018;121:69-80.
4. He L#, Fu Y#, Deng J, Shen Y, Wang Y, Yu F, Xie N, Chen Z, Hong T, Peng X, Li Q, Zhou J, Han J, Wang Y, Xi J, Kong W. Deficiency of FAM3D (Family With Sequence Similarity 3, Member D), A Novel Chemokine, Attenuates Neutrophil Recruitment and Ameliorates Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Development. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2018;38(7):1616-1631.
5. Fu Y, Gao C, Liang Y, Wang M, Huang Y, Ma W, Li T, Jia Y, Yu F, Zhu W, Cui Q, Li Y, Xu Q, Wang X, Kong W. Shift of Macrophage Phenotype due to Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein Deficiency Drives Atherosclerotic Calcification. Circ Res. 2016;119(2):261-76.
6. Gao C#, Fu Y#, Li Y, Zhang X, Zhang L, Yu F, Xu SS, Xu Q, Zhu Y, Guan Y, Wang X, Kong W. Microsomal Prostaglandin E Synthase-1-Derived PGE2 Inhibits Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Calcification. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2016;36(1):108-21.
7. Yang N, Yu F, Shao G, Fu Y*, Kong W*. The E3 ubiquitin ligase c-Cbl mediates integrin β1 ubiquitination during dilated cardiomyopathy. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2016;479(4):728-735.
8. Liang Y#, Fu Y#, Qi R, Wang M, Yang N, He L, Yu F, Zhang J, Yun CH, Wang X, Liu J, Kong W. Cartilage oligomeric matrix protein is a natural inhibitor of thrombin. Blood. 2015;126(7):905-14.
9. Fu Y*, Moore XL, Lee MK, Fernández-Rojo MA, Parat MO, Parton RG, Meikle PJ, Sviridov D, Chin-Dusting JP. Caveolin-1 plays a critical role in the differentiation of monocytes into macrophages. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2012;32(9):e117-25.
10. Fu Y, Hou Y, Fu C, Gu M, Li C, Kong W, Wang X, Shyy JY, Zhu Y. A novel mechanism of γ/δ T-lymphocyte and endothelial activation by shear stress: the role of ecto-ATP synthase β chain. Circ Res. 2011;108(4):410-7.
1. Ma Z, Mao C, Jia Y, Fu Y*, Kong W. Extracellular matrix dynamics in vascular remodeling. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2020;319(3):C481-C499.
2. Fu Y, Wang X, Kong W. Hyperhomocysteinaemia and vascular injury: advances in mechanisms and drug targets. Br J Pharmacol. 2018;175(8):1173-1189.
3. Fu Y, Kong W. Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein: Matricellular and Matricrine Signaling in Cardiovascular Homeostasis and Disease. Curr Vasc Pharmacol. 2017;15(3):186-196.
4. Fu Y, Zhu Y. Ectopic ATP synthase in endothelial cells: a novel cardiovascular therapeutic target. Curr Pharm Des. 2010;16(37):4074-9.