张勇 研究员
51直播-51直播网 神经生物学系
地址:北京市海淀区51直播 路38号 科技楼北楼B402D
Email:[email protected]
1. 研究动物学习记忆过程中AMPA受体的行为和贡献,阐明神经突触可塑性及多种动物行为的生理机制。
2. 研究AMPA受体突触可塑性异常在神经精神疾病(抑郁障碍、阿尔茨海默病)发病过程中的病理作用,探索早期诊断和及时干预疾病的新策略和途径。
2003-2008 博士,约翰霍普金斯大学医51直播 分子生物学与遗传学系(with Dr. Duojia Pan)
1995-1999 理学学士,山东大学生物化学系
2016至今 研究员,51直播-51直播网 神经生物学系,北京大学麦戈文脑研究所
2015-2016 助理研究员(Research Associate),约翰霍普金斯大学医51直播 神经科学系
2008-2015 博士后,约翰霍普金斯大学医51直播 神经科学系(with Dr. Richard Huganir)
2001-2003 访问学者,德克萨斯大学西南医学中心生理学系
1999-2001 直博研究生,北京大学生物化学及分子生物学系(肄业)
2024 北京大学正大奖教金
2018 海外高层次人才计划青年项目
2015 约翰霍普金斯大学青年科学家奖(Yong Investigators Awards)
2006 国家优秀自费留学生奖学金
中国神经科学学会学习记忆基础与临床分会 秘书长
中国生理学会干细胞生理专委会 副主任委员
Neuroscience-IBRO Journal 高级编委
Neuroscience Bulletin 编委
代表性论著:(# First author, * Corresponding author)
Major publications:
1. Lu KJ, Li CY, Liu J, Wang JP, Li YF, He B, Li JZ, Zhang XC, Wei MP, Tian YL, Zhang R, Zhang C, Zhang Y*. (2023). Impairments in endogenous AMPA receptor dynamics correlates with learning deficits in Alzheimer's disease model mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A. 120(40): e2303878120. (Research article)
2. Zhou R, Li J, Chen Z, Wang R, Shen Y, Zhang R, Zhou F*, Zhang Y*. (2023). Pathological hemodynamic changes and leukocyte transmigration disrupt the blood–spinal cord barrier after spinal cord injury. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 20(1):118. (Research article)
3. Ma H, Li JF, Qiao X, Zhang Y, Hou XJ, Chang HX, Chen HL, Zhang Y*, Li YF*. (2024). Sigma-1 receptor activation mediates the sustained antidepressant effect of ketamine in mice via increasing BDNF levels. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. 45(4):704-713. (Research article)
4. Ma H, Li CY, Wang JP, Zhang XC, Li MY, Zhang R, Huang Z, Zhang Y*. (2021). Amygdala-hippocampal innervation modulates stress-induced depressive-like behaviors through AMPA receptors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A. 118(6): e2019409118. (Research article)
5. Chen J#, Zhang XC#, Li LP#, Ma XQ, Yang CX, Liu ZD, Li CY, Fernandez-Cabezudo M, al-Ramadi BK, Wu C, Huang WS, Zhang Y*, Zhang YH*, Liu WL*. (2021). Farnesyl pyrophosphate is a new danger signal inducing acute cell death. PLOS Biology. 19(4): e3001134. (Research article)
6. Liu Z#, Ma H#, Long S, Zhang Y*. (2022). Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 5: a Potential Molecular Switch and Beyond. Biological Psychiatry. 92:98-99. (Invited Commentary)
Other publications:
1. Wei M*, Yang L, Su F, Liu Y, Zhao X, Luo L, Sun X, Liu S, Dong Z, Zhang Y, Shi YS, Liang J*, Zhang C*. (2024). ABHD6 drives endocytosis of AMPA receptors to regulate synaptic plasticity and learning flexibility. Progress in Neurobiology. 233(2024): 102559. (Research article)
2. Zhang M, Zhang Y, Xu Q, Crawford J, Qian C, Wang GH, Qian J, Dong XZ, Pletnikov MV, Liu CM, Zhou FQ*. (2023). Neuronal Histone Methyltransferase EZH2 Regulates Neuronal Morphogenesis, Synaptic Plasticity, and Cognitive Behavior in Mice. Neuroscience Bulletin. 39: 1512-1532. (Research article)
3. Zhang J, Liang R, Wang K, Zhang W, Zhang M, Jin L, Xie P, Zheng W, Shang H, Hu Q, Li J, Chen G, Wu F, Lan F, Wang L, Wang SQ, Li Y, Zhang Y, Liu J, Lv F, Hu X, Xiao RP, Lei X*, Zhang Y*. (2022). Novel CaMKII-δ Inhibitor Hesperadin Exerts Dual Functions to Ameliorate Cardiac Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury and Inhibit Tumor Growth. Circulation. 145:1154-1168. (Research article)
4. Yang N, Liu F*, Zhang X, Chen C, Xia Z, Fu S, Wang J, Xu J, Cui S, Zhang Y, Yi M, Wan Y, Li Q, Xu S*. (2022). A Hybrid Titanium-Softmaterial, High-Strength, Transparent Cranial Window for Transcranial Injection and Neuroimaging. Biosensors (Basel). 12:129. (Research article)
5. Roth RH, Cudmore R, Tan H, Hong I, Zhang Y, Huganir RL*. (2020). Cortical Synaptic AMPA Receptor Plasticity During Motor Learning. Neuron. 105: 895-908. (Research article)
6. Pei Y, Wang Y, Liu D, Lei H, Yang Z, Zhang Z, Han M, Cheng K, Chen Y, L Ji, Cheng G, Xu L, Wu Q, McClintock S, Yang Y, Zhang Y, Zeng Y*. (2020). ICAM5 as a novel target for treating cognitive impairment in Fragile X Syndrome. Journal of Neuroscience. 40: 1355-1365. (Research article)
7. Mehta S#*, Zhang Y#, Roth RH#, Zhang JF, Mo A, Tenner B, Huganir RL*, Zhang J*. (2018). A Suite of Single-fluorophore Biosensors for Sensitive and Multiplexed Detection of Signaling Activities. Nature Cell Biology. 20:1215-1225. (Research article)
8. Zhang Y#, Cudmore R#, Lin DT, Linden DJ, and Huganir RL*. (2015). Visualization of NMDA receptor-dependent AMPA receptor synaptic plasticity in vivo. Nature Neuroscience. 18: 402-407. (Research article)
9. Sharma K, Choi SY, Zhang Y, Nieland T, Long S, Li M, and Huganir RL*. (2013). High-throughput Genetic Screen for Synaptogenic Factors: Identification of LRP6 as Critical for Excitatory Synapse Development. Cell Reports. 5: 1330-1341. (Research article)
10. Zhang Y, Billington CJ Jr, Pan D, and Neufeld TP*. (2006). Drosophila target of rapamycin kinase functions as a multimer. Genetics. 172: 355-362. (Research article)
11. Zhang Y#, Gao X#, Saucedo L, Ru B, Edgar B, and Pan D*. (2003). Rheb is a direct target of the tuberous sclerosis tumour suppressor proteins. Nature Cell Biology. 5: 578-581. (Research article)
12. Gao X#, Zhang Y#, Arrazola P, Hino O, Kobayashi T, Yeung R, Ru B, and Pan D*. (2002). Tsc tumor suppressor proteins antagonize amino-acid-TOR signaling. Nature Cell Biology. 4: 699-704. (Research article)
13. Roth RH#, Zhang Y#, Huganir RL*. (2017). Dynamic imaging of AMPA receptor trafficking in vitro and in vivo. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 45: 51-58. (Invited Review)
14. Pan D*, Dong J, Zhang Y, and Gao X. (2004). Tuberous sclerosis complex: from Drosophila to human disease. Trends in Cell Biology. 14: 78-85. (Invited Review)