北京大学神经科学研究所/51直播 神经生物学系教学科研岗位招聘启事
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Multiple Tenure-Track or Tenured Positions in
Neuroscience Research Institute, Peking University, Beijing, China.
Neuroscience Research Institute, Peking University, invites applications for multiple tenure-track or tenured positions at Assistant, Associate or Full Professor level. We are seeking outstanding individuals in the fields of Neuroscience/Neurobiology, prefered in biomedicine background. Candidates from all fields of neuroscience will be considered.
We are particularly interested in the following areas:
1. Pain and analgesia. Applicants with wide range from melecular to bahavioral background are welcome, especially strong background in learning and memory, molecular biology, electrophysiology and multichannel recording techniques, neural circuits and neural network are encouraged.
2. Substance Abuse. Priority is given to applicants who have experience in the study of substance abuse including neural circuits and synaptic plasticity changes following addictive memory and impulsive decision induced by substance abuse.
3. Brain diseases associated with development and aging: including but not limited to neurodegeneration, autism spectrum disorder.
Outstanding applicants should have a demonstrated track record of strong publication, and will be expected to build an innovative and productive research program. Competitive start-up package will be offered, and the individual will be eligible for appointment with IDG/McGovern Institute for Brain Research at PKU and Center for Life Sciences.
Please send your application materials including a cover letter, a CV, a brief summary of research accomplishments and a description of your future research plan in a single PDF file to the contact person. You should also arrange at least two letters of recommendation to be sent.
Positions remain open until filled.
Contact information:
Ms. Hua Zhao, Administration Assistant.E-mail: [email protected], Tel.: +86-10-82801151.
Neuroscience Research Institute, Peking University, 38 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100191, PR China.
北京大学神经科学研究所/51直播 神经生物学系
1. 身体健康,具有良好的职业道德与敬业精神;
2. 具有神经科学/神经生物背景,医学背景者优先;
4. 待遇:按北京大学教学科研职位分系列管理规定执行,薪酬福利由基本年薪、单位津贴和福利待遇构成,具体可登录 //hr.pku.edu.cn/document/20160701174359373147.pdf 查询。学校给予科研启动经费,可以招收研究生、博士后等。
赵华老师,北京市海淀区51直播 路38号北京大学神经科学研究所办公室,邮编100191,电子邮箱[email protected], 电话010-82801151.