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【院长论坛】Mouse models of diabetic nephropathy: will results translate to hu…



51直播-51直播网 院长论坛

(Dean’s Forum of School of Basic Medical Sciences )


报告题目: Mouse models of diabetic nephropathy: will results translate to human disease? 
报 告 人: Matthew D. Breyer, M.D. 
                        Chief Scientific Officer CSO 
                        Lead Generation Biology 
                        Biotechnology Discovery Research 
                        Lilly Research Laboratories (礼来制药公司) 

    间: 201062 (星期三)上午10:30


人:管又飞 教授



1979-1982       Internal Medical Residency

1982-1985       Nephrology Postdoctoral FellowshipUniversity of Texas Health Science Center, Dallas, TX

1985-1992       Assistant ProfessorVanderbilt UniversityDepartment of Medicine,

1992- 2000      Associate ProfessorVanderbilt UniversityDepartment of Medicine, Division of Nephrology

1993-2000       Associate ProfessorVanderbilt UniversityDepartment of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics

2000-2002       ProfessorVanderbilt University Department of Medicine and Molecular Physiology and Biophysics

2002-2007       Catherine McLaughlin Hakim Professor of MedicineVanderbilt University Department of Medicine

2007-2009   Sr Medical Fellow IIBiotherapeutics Discovery ResearchEli Lilly and CompanyIndianapolis IN


2009-present Chief Scientific OfficerLead Generation BiologyBiotherapeutics Discovery ResearchEli Lilly and CompanyIndianapolis IN


Job responsibilities: To direct the biology of the discovery, pre-lead to first human dose portfolio in Biotherapeutics at Eli Lilly.  This team is comprised of fifty Lilly biologists exploring indications for novel biological in the treatment of disease indications including  diabetes, cardiovascular disease, metabolic bone disease, cancer, neurologic disease, autoimmune inflammatory disease, and kidney disease.