51直播» 学术信息


Targeting receptor complexes to achieve more effective medication with fewer…




Speaker: Fang Liu, University of Toronto

主持人:王韵  教授

2015.6.29, 10-11AM  神科所会议室(中心楼一层北侧)


Dr. Fang Liu is a senior scientist and head of Molecular Neuroscience at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). She is also a Professor in the Departments of Psychiatry, Physiology and Institute of Medical Science at the University of Toronto. Dr. Liu received her medical degree from Shanghai Medical University in China. She practiced as a pediatrician for 5 years in China before pursuing a basic research career in Canada. She obtained her Master’s and PhD degrees, both from the Institute of Medical Science, University of Toronto.

Research focus in Dr. Liu’s lab includes 1) Identification of novel protein-protein interaction and its down-stream signaling pathway; 2) Functional characterization of protein-protein interactions under physiological and pathological conditions; 3) Discovery of etiologically important protein complex as a therapeutic target to develop peptides/small organic molecule drugs for the treatment of neuropsychiatric diseases.

The most significant research accomplishments in Dr. Liu’s lab are highlighted as follows: 1) Providing the first direct evidence that two structurally and functionally divergent families of neurotransmitter receptors can exert functional cross-talk through direct protein-protein interactions (Liu et al., 2000 Nature; Lee et al., 2002 Cell); 2) Providing direct evidence that abnormal protein-protein interactions are likely involved in the path-physiology of human diseases such as schizophrenia and addiction (Lee et al., 2007 EMBO J.; Li et al., 2012 J. of Experimental Medicine); 3) Development of peptides that can disrupt abnormal protein-protein interactions and exert therapeutic effect in animal models of depression and schizophrenia (Pei et al., 2010 Nature Medicine; Su et al., 2014 Neuron).