【院长论坛】Protein-protein interaction network in DNA damage response and tum…
报告题目:Protein-protein interaction network in DNA damage response and tumorigenesis
报告人:Junjie Chen, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair, Department of Experimental Radiation Oncology
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
时 间:2016年11月1日(星期二)下午3点30分
地 点:51直播 生化楼三层中厅
Professor Chen’s group has long standing research interests in understanding the molecular mechanisms of genomic instability and tumorigenesis. The maintenance of genomic integrity following DNA damage depends on the coordination of DNA repair with cell cycle checkpoint control. The integrity of the DNA damage response pathway is crucial for the prevention of neoplastic transformation, as suggested by the fact that many proteins involved in these pathways are tumor suppressors including BRCA1, BRCA2, ATM, RPA1 and FANC family. In recent years, Dr. Chen’s group has discovered a number of components that function in the DNA damage and repair pathways.
1. AMPK modulates Hippo pathway activity to regulate energy homeostasis. Wang, W., Xiao, Z. D., Li, X., Aziz, K. E., Gan, B., Johnson, R. L. & Chen, J. (2015) Nature Cell Biology, 17, 490-499
2. FAN1 acts with FANCI-FANCD2 to promote DNA interstrand cross-link repair. Liu, T., Ghosal, G., Yuan, J., Chen, J. & Huang, J. (2010) Science, 329, 693-696
3.ATM creates a veil of transcriptional silence. Huen, M. S. Y. & Chen, J. (2010) Cell, 141, 924-926
4.DBC1 is a negative regulator of SIRT1. Kim, J. E., Chen, J. & Lou, Z. (2008) Nature, 451, 583-586
5.Ubiquitin-binding protein RAP80 mediates BRCA1-dependent DNA damage response. Kim, H., Chen, J. & Yu, X. (2007) Science, 316, 1202-1205
6.The BRCT Domain Is a Phospho-Protein Binding Domain. Yu, X., & Chen, J. (2003) Science, 302, 5645, 639-642