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【院长论坛】Stroke Conceptual Evolution



  51直播 庆祝北医百年庆典系列活动

51直播 院长论坛系列十四

报告人一Professor John H. Zhang

报告题目:Stroke Conceptual Evolution

        Loma Linda University School of Medicine, Loma Linda, California, USA

时间: 201273 (星期二)下午300


主持人: 周长满教授


Dr. Zhang is currently Professor of Neurosurgery, Neurology, Anesthesiology, Physiology & Pharmacology at Loma Linda University. Dr. Zhang obtained a Ph.D. on Experimental Surgery at Alberta Medical Center in Edmonton Canada in 1992. Dr. Zhang became Full Professor in 2001 in Mississippi Medical Center and the Christopher Schumpert Endowed Medical Center Chair in Neurobiology at the Louisiana State University in 2002.

Dr. Zhang has three major research areas: cerebrovascular diseases, hyperbaric medicine and animal models of neurological injuries. Dr. Zhang’s research efforts have been supported by grants from AHA, NIH and Department of Defense of USA with more than 20 million US dollars. Dr. Zhang has published more than 300 peer reviewed articles.

Dr. Zhang is the Associate Editor of Neurological Research since 2008; the Editor-in-Chief of Translational Stroke Research since 2009; the Editor-in-Chief of Medical Gas Research since 2010 and the book Editor of Springer Series in Translational Stroke Research since 2010.

Awards and Honors:

Paul Bert Award (the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, 2004)

Lifetime Achievement Award on Neurovascular Events after SAH (the 11th Vasospasm International Conference,2011).