(10.17)Systems Biology: Big Data, Wellness and Disease
报告题目: Systems Biology: Big Data, Wellness and Disease
报告人:Dr. Leroy E. Hood
Founder of Institute for Systems Biology in USA
地点: 北京大学医学部逸夫楼209报告厅
Dr. Leroy E. Hood graduated from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in 1964 with an MD and from Caltech with a PhD in biochemistry in 1968. His academic career began at Caltech, where he and his colleagues developed the DNA gene sequencer and synthesizer, and the protein synthesizer and sequencer–four instruments that paved the way for the successful mapping and understanding of the human genome. Dr. Hood established the Institute of Systems Biology in Seattle, US. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine. He is the recipient of numerous national and international awards, including the Lasker Award for Studies of Immune Diversity (1987), the Kyoto Prize in advanced technology (2002), the Heinz Award for pioneering work in Systems Biology (2006), and the coveted NAE 2011 Fritz J. and Delores H. Russ Prize for developing automated DNA sequencing. Dr. Hood has published over 850 peer-reviewed articles and currently holds 36 patents. In 2013, he received the National Medal of Science from President Obama. Hood has been named by The Best Schools as one of the 50 Most Influential Scientists in the World Today (2014).Scientific American has named Hood as one of the top 6 in their selection of 100 biotech visionaries world-wide (2015).