Metalloproteinase and Atherosclerosis --proatherogenic effect of ADAMTS7
题目:Metalloproteinase and Atherosclerosis --proatherogenic effect of ADAMTS7
主讲人:孔炜 副教授, 北大医学部生理与病生理学系
时间:2007-5-18,11:30 am
孔炜,女,1995年毕业于同济医科大学临床医学系,2000年于同济医科大学病理生理系获博士学位,2001-2005年分别在美国华盛顿大学和纽约大学医51直播 做博士后研究,2005年12月被聘为北大医学部生理系副教授。目前负责课题包括一项国家自然科学基金和一项北京市自然科学基金,并在科技部973计划子课题中担任主要骨干。 近年代表性论文包括: Liu C, Kong W, Xu K, Luan Y, Ilalov K, Sehgal B, Yu S, Howell RD, Di Cesare PE.ADAMTS-12 associates with and degrades cartilage oligomeric matrix protein. J Biol Chem. 2006;281(23):15800-8 (IF 5.9) Chuan-ju Liu*, Kong W*, Prazak L Fajardo M, Sehgal B and Di Cesare P ADAMTS-7,A COMPase in the ADAMTS family that Directly Binds to and Degrades COMP. FASEB J. 2006;20(7):988-90 (*并列第一作者) (IF 7.1) Li M, Anderson GD, Phillips BR, Kong W, Shen DD, Wang J. Interactions of Amoxicillin and Cefaclor with Human Renal Organic Anion and Peptide Transporters. Drug Metab Dispos 2006;34(4):547-55 (IF 4.1) Kong W, Eagel K and Wang J Mammalian nucleoside transporters. Curr Drug Metab 2004;5(1):63-84 (IF 5.4) Kong W and Wang J Hypoxanthine transport in human glioblastoma cells and effect on cell susceptibility to methotrexate. Pharm Res. 2003;20(11):1804-11 (IF 2.9) McKean T, Li G, Kong W. Cardiac effects of hypoxia in the neotenous tiger salamander Ambystoma tigrinum. J Exp Biol. 2002; 205(Pt 12):1725-34. (IF 2.7)