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Sympathetic Nerve System and Neurovascular norepinephrine in Heart Failure…


主讲人:Jianhua Li,  Ph.D.

 Associate Professor of Medicine

 Heart & Vascular Institute and Department of Medicine

 Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine









    The global aim of Dr. Li’s research effort has been to explore the sympathetic nervous mechanisms that govern control of the circulation in cardiovascular diseases, such as heart failure and hypertension etc. Specifically, research programs have focused on understanding the central and muscular mechanisms of sympathetic nerve responses to stress and/or exercise in those cardiovascular disorders. His current research has extended studies onto cellular and molecular mechanisms of the neural control of cardiovascular regulation in heart failure by combining patchclamp techniques with molecular biology approaches.

1.                     Xing J and *Li J. TRPV1 receptor mediates glutamatergic synaptic input to dorsolateral periaqueductal gray (dl-PAG) neurons. J. of Neurophysiol. (in press).

2.                     Gao Z, Xing J, Sinoway LI and *Li J. P2X receptor-mediated muscle pressor reflex in myocardial infarction (MI). American J. of Physiology (in press).

3.                     Koba S, Gao Z, Xing J, Sinoway LI and *Li J. Sympathetic responses to exercise in myocardial infarction rats: a role of central command. American J. of Physiology 291: H2735-H2742, 2006.

4.                     Li J, Sinoway LI and Ng YC. Aging augments interstitial K ion concentrations in active muscle. J. of Applied Physiology 100: 1158-1163, 2006.

5.                     *Li J, King NC and Sinoway LI. Interstitial ATP and NE concentrations in active muscle. Circulation 111: 2748-2751, 2005.