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【院长论坛】Regulation of ion channels and transporters by the ubiquitin syste…


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报告题目:Regulation of ion channels and transporters by the ubiquitin system

报告人:Dr. Daniela Rotin,Professor

             Biochemistry Dept, University of Toronto





Dr Rotin studies the role of the ubiquitin system in the regulation of ion transport and signal transduction. Particularly, the role of the Nedd4 family of ubiquitin ligases in these processes. Her lab was the first to identify the interaction of Nedd4 proteins with ion channels leading to ENaC ubiquitination and endocytosis, an interaction impaired in Liddle syndrome. Moreover, regulation of catalytic activity of Nedd4L in cells and colonic organoids with ubiquitin variants controls ENaC endocytosis and function. In addition, the Rotin lab developed a screen to globally identify ubiquitinated substrates for ubiquitin ligases using proteome arrays, and identified the FGFR1 as a substrate for Nedd4. They also delineated the mechanisms controlling Nedd4 catalytic activity and its role in cancer.
