会 期 2016年10月28日-30日
会 场 北京大学医学部逸夫楼402、408、409、414
詹启敏 北京大学医学部主任、教授、中国工程51直播 院士
中国微循环学会 理事长
张幼怡 北京大学医学部心血管研究所 所长、教授
中国病理生理学会 理事长
韓晶岩 北京大学医学部中西医结合学系主任、教授
北京大学医学部天士力微循环研究中心 主任
中国微循环学会 副理事长
国际微循联盟 执行委员
International Scientific Committee
Qi-Min Zhan, Yo-Yi Zhang, Er-Dan Dong, Yu-Zhu, Ping Li, Nai-Feng Liu, Ceng-Yu Guo, Jing-Yan Han, Yong Jiang, Ke-Sheng Dai, Qiao-Bing Huang, Yue-Hong Zheng, Fang-Tian Dong, Jie Du, Yu Huang, Si-Feng Chen, Xue-Long Jin, Qing-Fu Zhang, Zi-Lin Sun, Jian-Gang Shen, Xian Wang, Xue-Jun Li, De-An Guo, Fu-Long Liao, Hong-Quan Zhang, Gerald A. Meininger (美国), Michael A. Hill (美国), Roland N. Pittman (美国), Gianfranco D Alpini (美国), An Huang (美国),Jerome W. Breslin (美国), Giovanni E. Mann (英国), Geraldine Clough (英国), Nicola J. Brown (英国), Akos Koller (匈牙利), Tailoi Chan-Ling (澳大利亚), Suthiluk Patumuraj (澳大利亚), Hidekazu Suzuki (日本), Makoto Suematsu (日本), Masato Yasui (日本), Hirosi Nagata (日本), Toshio Nakaki (日本), Paul Fraser (英国)
主办团体 中国病理生理学会 微循环专业委员会
中国微循环学会 痰瘀专业委员会
中国中西医结合学会 微循环专业委员会
世界中医药学会联合会 气血专业委员会
承办单位 北京大学医学部中西医结合学系
October 28 |
Room 414 Yifu Building |
13:00-15:00 |
Symposium 1 Brain Microcirculation and Cerebral Vascular Disease Chair: Xue-Long Jin / Huai-Lian Guo |
13:00-13:25 |
Paul Fraser: The Role of Free Radical Generation in Increasing Cerebrovascular Permeability |
13:25-13:50 |
Xue-Long Jin: A New Internal Capsule Hemorrhage Animal Model |
13:50-14:15 |
Sheepsumon Viboolvorakul: Exercise Training Ameliorates Age-induced Cerebral Microvascular Deterioration and VEGF Angiogenic Signaling in Rats |
14:15-14:30 |
Lei-Lei Mao: Adoptive Regulatory T Cell Therapy Protects Against Stroke-induced Cerebral Injury |
14:30-14:45 |
Yong-Bo Zhang: The Effects of Rho Kinase Inhibition on the Permeability of Blood-brain Barrier and Activation of Microglia After Cerebral Ischemia in Rats |
14:45-15:00 |
Jiang-Man Song: In vivo Observation of Cortical Astrocytes after Cerebral Hypoperfusion in Mice |
15:10-15:40 |
Plenary Lecture 1 Chair: Geraldine Clough Professor Hidekazu Suzuki: Organ Microcirculation and Gastrointestinal (GI) Disorders |
15:40-16:10 |
Plenary Lecture 3 Chair: Akos Koller Professor An Huang: Sexually Dimorphic Regulation of Cardiovascular Function: Roles of EETs/she |
16:10-16:40 |
Plenary Lecture 5 Chair: Suthiluk Patumraj Professor De-An Guo: Current Status and Future Perspectives in Modernization of Chinese Herbal Medicines |
16:40-17:10 |
Plenary Lecture 7 Chair: Gerald A. Meininger Professor Nicola J. Brown: Role of the bone microvascular niche in the progression and treatment of tumour metastasis |
Room 402 Yifu Building |
13:00-15:00 |
Symposium 2 Cardiovascular Disease and Coronary Microcirculation Chairs: Ming Xu /Yu-Zhen Li |
13:00-13:20 |
Zi-Jian Li: HIP-55, A Novel Component of Pro-survival Signaling, and Cardiovascular Diseases |
13:20-13:40 |
Ming Xu: The Formation and Stabilization of G-quadruplex by Natural Small Molecule Down-Regulates miR-24 Expression |
13:40-14:00 |
Xiao-Hong Wei: Cardiotonic Pills Ameliorates Ischemia-reperfusion Induced Cardiac Injury in Rats, Relying on the Antioxidant Effect of 3, 4-dihydroxyl-phenyl Lactic Acid and Energy Regulation of Notoginsenoside R1 |
14:00-14:20 |
Bao-Hong Jiang: Cardiovascular Protection of Salviae Miltiorrhizae and the Underlying Mechanism |
14:20-14:40 |
Wan-Li Shen: Effects and Mechanisms of Tanshinone IIA Derivative on Ameliorating Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Rats |
14:40-15:00 |
Jia-Hua Guo: The Modulation of Dantonic? on the Perturbed Energy Metabolism of the Acute Myocardial Ischemia Model Rats |
15:10-15:40 |
Plenary Lecture 2 Chair: You-Yi Zhang Professor Xue-Jun Li: Aquaporin-1 Translocation and Degradation Partially Mediates the Water Transportation Mechanism of Acetazolamide |
15:40-16:10 |
Plenary Lecture 4 Chair: Bao-Xue Yang Assistant Professor Jerome W. Breslin: New Advances to Stop Microvascular Leakage During Inflammation |
16:10- 16:40 |
Plenary Lecture 6 Chair: Tailoi Chan-Ling Professor Roland N. Pittman: Regulation of Microvascular Blood Flow and Oxygen Supply |
16:40- 17:10 |
Plenary Lecture 8 Chair: Nai-Feng Liu Professor Ke-Sheng Dai: Receptor-interacting protein kinase 3 promotes platelet activation and thrombosis
October 29 |
Room 414 Yifu Building |
08:00-10:00 |
Symposium 3 Shock Chairs: Yong Jiang / Paul Fraser |
08:00-08:20 |
Hui Jin: Microcirculatory Disorders and Protective Role of Anti-oxidant in Severe Heat Stroke: A Rat Study |
08:20-08:40 |
Li-Na Jiang: Effect of Post-hemorrhagic Shock Mesenteric Lymph on Murine CD4+ T cells |
08:40-09:00 |
Kai Sun: Yiqifumai Injection, A Traditional Chinese Compound Medicine, and Its Active Ingredient Ginsenoside Rb1 Ameliorate Microvascular Hyperpermeability Induced by Lipopolysaccharide |
09:00-09:20 |
Peng-Yun Li: Sirtuin 1/3 Prevents Low Vasoreactivity by Modulating Mitochondrial Function |
09:20-09:40 |
Yun-Pei Zhang: Catalpol Restores LPS-elicited Rat Microcirculation Disorder by Regulation of a Network of Signaling Involving Inhibition of TLR-4 and Src |
09:40-10:00 |
Abbas Muhammad: Hypoxia Induces Micro-lymphatic Endothelial Barrier Dysfunction Via Activation of ASK1/p38 MAPK Pathway |
10:10-10:40 |
Plenary Lecture 9 Chair: Fu-Long Liao Professor Suthiluk Patumraj: Acanthus ebracteatus Vahl suppresses hypoxia-induced angiogenesis via inhibition of HIF-1α/VEGF signaling pathway in cervical cancer implanted nude mice |
10:40-11:10 |
Plenary Lecture 11 Chair: Jerome W. Breslin Professor Qiao-Bing Huang:Effects of Moesin Phosphorylation in Endothelial Dysfunction Induced by Advanced Glycation Endproducts |
11:10-11:40 |
Plenary Lecture 13 Chair: Toshio Nakaki Professor Giovanni E. Mann: Metabolic programming of human fetal endothelial and smooth muscle cells in gestational diabetes |
11:40-12:10 |
Plenary Lecture 15 Chair: Giovanni E. Mann President Makoto Suematsu:CO-Responsive Heme Proteins Regulate Microcirculation and Cancer Proliferation |
14:00-16:00 |
Symposium 5 Diabetes and Microcirculation Chairs: Qiao-Bing Huang / Akos Koller |
14:00-14:25 |
Fan-Yin Meng: Characterization of Angiogenesis and Endothelial Dysfunction in microRNA-34a Knockout Mice with Diabetic Liver Injury |
14:25-14:50 |
Amporn Jariyapongskul: Effects of Alpha Mangostin on Blood Brain Barrier Permeability in Type 2 Diabetic Rats |
14:50-15:15 |
Bing-Chen Liu: High Glucose Induces Podocyte Foot Process Effacement by Stimulating TRPC6 |
15:15-15:40 |
Lin Yao: Obesity-induced Vascular Inflammation and Dysfunction Involves Elevated Arginase Activity |
15:40-16:00 |
Ping Gu: Adipocyte SIRT1 Deletion Impaired Endothelial Function Via Reducing Brown Fat Phenotype in Perivascular Adipose Tissue |
16:20-16:50 |
Plenary Lecture 17 Chair: Hiroshi Nagata ProfessorJing-Yan Han: The mechanism for Chinese medicine to improve microvescular barrier and intestinal mucosa epithelial barrier. |
16:50-17:20 |
Plenary Lecture 19 Chair: Jing-Yan Han Professor Gerald A. Meininger:Remodeling of the Cytoskeleton and Adhesion are Fundamental Processes Coupled to Vascular Smooth Muscle Contraction and Relaxation |
Room 402 Yifu Building |
08:00-10:00 |
Symposium 4 Hemorrhage-Thrombus Chairs: Ke-Sheng Dai / Jian-Bo Wu |
08:00-08:20 |
Jin-Cai Luo: New Regulators of Endothelial Exocytosis and Their Roles in Vascular Hemostasis and Thrombosis |
08:20-08:40 |
Li-Qun Wang: Glycation of Vitronectin Inhibits VEGF-induced Angiogenesis by Uncoupling VEGF Receptor-2-αvβ3 Integrin Cross-talk |
08:40-09:00 |
Rong Yan: Glycoprotein Ibα Clustering Induces Macrophage-mediated Platelet Clearance in the Liver |
09:00-09:20 |
Guo-Qing Zheng: Promoting Blood Circulation for Removing Blood Stasis Therapy for Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis |
09:20-09:40 |
Dong Zhao: The Effect of Connexin, Arteriole Membrane Potential and Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Induced Apoptosis Pathway on Delayed Cerebral Ischemia after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage |
09:40-10:00 |
Qi Fang: Research Progress on Cerebral Microcirculation |
10:10-10:40 |
Plenary Lecture 10 Chair: Nicola J. Brown Professor Yong Jiang: Future challenges for sepsis: novel strategies based on big data produced by Omics |
10:40-11:10 |
Plenary Lecture 12 Chair: Makoto Suematsu Professor Geraldine Frances Clough: Skin microvascular blood flow and oxygenation-adaptive outcomes in obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus/insulin resistance |
11:10-11:40 |
Plenary Lecture 14 Chair: Gianfranco D Alpini Professor Si-Feng Chen: Exosomes and Cardiovascular Diseases |
11:40-12:10 |
Plenary Lecture 16 Chair: Qiao-Bing Huang Professor Gianfranco D Alpini: Vascular factors, angiogenesis and liver diseases |
14:00-16:00 |
Symposium 6 Qi-Blood Chairs: Shi-Jun Wang / Hao Xu |
14:00-14:25 |
Yuan-Yuan Chen: QiShenYiQi Pills, a Compound in Chinese Medicine, Protects Against Pressure Overload-induced Cardiac Hypertrophy Through a Multicomponent and Multi-target mode |
14:25-14:50 |
Shan Wang: The Proteomic Profiling of Calenduloside E Targets in HUVEC: Design, Synthesis and Application of Biotinylated Probe BCEA |
14:50-15:15 |
Min Wang: Elatoside C Protects the Heart From Ischaemia/Reperfusion Injury Through the Modulation of Oxidative Stress and Intracellular Ca2+ Homeostasis |
15:15-15:35 |
Yuan-Chen Cui: Ginsenoside Rb1 Protects Against Ischemia/Reperfusion-induced Myocardial Injury Via Energy Metabolism Regulation Mediated by RhoA Signaling Pathway |
15:35-16:00 |
Qian Hua: Angiogenesis Promoted by PNS Leading to a Neuroprotective Effects in AD-like Animal Models in a Modern Formula of Traditional Chinese Medicine Tong Luo Jiu Nao |
16:20-16:50 |
Plenary Lecture 18 Chair: Roland N. Pittman Professor Akos Koller: Failure of the autoregulation of cerebral blood flow by hemodynamic forces |
16:50-17:20 |
Plenary Lecture 20 Chair: Yong Jiang Professor Tailoi Chan-Ling: The microvascular interface in the Central Nervous System: Normal function and relevance to pathology |
Room 408 Yifu Building |
08:00-10:00 |
Free Oral Presentation 1 Chairs: Bao-Liang Sun / Yue-Hong Zheng |
08:00-08:12 |
Xiang-Yu Zhou: Screening and Functional Study of miRNAs in Arteriosclerosis Obliterans |
08:12-08:24 |
Xiao-Hua Guo: The Involvement of Beta-catenin in AGE-induced Endothelial Hyperpermeability |
08:24-08:36 |
Lu Tie: Effects of FOXO1 Mediated Regulation of Mitochondrial Function in Diabetic Wound Healing |
08:36-08:48 |
Wen Yu: Sulfur Dioxide Protects Against Pulmonary Artery Collagen Accumulation in Association With Downregulating TGF-β/Smad Pathway in Pulmonary Hypertensive Rats |
08:48-09:00 |
Ding Zhao: The Amelioration Effects of Berberine on Mesareic Vascular Damage in STZ - induced Diabetic Rats |
09:00-09:12 |
Shuang-Shuang Zhang: GLP-1 Inhibits the Receptor for Advanced Glycation Endproducts to Prevent Podocyte Apoptosis Induced by Advanced Oxidative Protein Products |
09:12-09:24 |
Wei-Ling Wang: Aquaporin-3 Deficiency Slows Renal Cystogenesis via Regulation of AMPK/ERK/mTOR Signaling |
09:24-09:36 |
Supakanda Sukpat: Effect of Low-dose Simvastatin on Therapeutic Efficacy of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) Transplantation in Diabetic Wound Healing |
09:36-09:48 |
Zong-Yong Zhang: Enhanced Therapeutic Potential of Nano-curcumin Against Subarachnoid Hemorrhage-induced Blood-brain Barrier Disruption Through Inhibition of Inflammatory Response and Oxidative Stress |
09:48-10:00 |
Li-Min Zhang: Estrogen Treatment Improves Lymphatic Contractility in Rats Following Hemorrhagic Shock |
教育讲演 |
October 29 |
Room 408 Yifu Building |
14:00-14:30 |
Education lecture 1 Methods for Study of the Organ Microcirculation 脏器微循环的研究方法 Speaker: Yu-ying Liu Tasly Microcirculation Research Center, Peking University Health Science Center, Beijing, China Chair: Dong Han Professor, National Center for Nanoscience and Technology |
14:30-15:30 |
Education lecture 2 Attenuating Effect and Underlying Mechanism of Compound Chinese Medicine on Ischemia and Reperfusion Induced Cerebral and Cardiac Microcirculation Disturbance and Organ Injury 心脑微循环障碍与中医药 Speaker: Jing-Yan Han Department of Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Peking University Chair: Yi-Ning Huang Professor and Chairman, Department of Neurology, Peking University First Hospital |
15:30-16:00 |
Education lecture 3 An update of the journal Microcirculation Speaker: Geraldine Frances Clough Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Microcirculation Professor, Vascular Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton, UK Chair: Jian-Bo Wu Professor, Drug Discovery Research Center, Southwest Medical University |
October 30 |
Room 408 Yifu Building |
08:00-10:00 |
Symposium 7 Blood stasis and Phlegm-stasis Chairs: Yan Zhu / Yan Lei |
08:00-08:20 |
Mei Xue: Panax Notoginseng Saponins Superior to Aspirin in Inhibiting Platelet Adhesion to Injured Endothelial Cells Through COX Pathway |
08:20-08:40 |
Jing-Na Deng: Deepure Tea Improves High Fat Diet-induced Insulin Resistance and Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease |
08:40-09:00 |
Yan Zhu: Coordinated Activation of VEGF/VEGFR-2 and PPARD Pathways by a Multi-component Chinese Medicine DHI Accelerated Recovery from Peripheral Arterial Disease in Type 2 Diabetic Mice |
09:00-09:20 |
Chun-Shui Pan: Post-treatment with Ma-Huang-Tang Ameliorates Cold-warm-cycles Induced Rat Lung Injury |
09:20-09:40 |
Wei Li: Protective Effect of Curcumin Against Cerebral Ischemia-reperfusion Injury in Rats |
09:40-10:00 |
Lei Li: Pharmacological Assessment of the Efficacy of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Coronary Heart Disease of Phlegm-stasis Syndrome |
10:10-10:40 |
Plenary Lecture 21 Chair: Hong-Quan Zhang Professor Hiroshi Nagata: Migration of Lymphoid and Cancer Cell in Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissue |
10:40-11:10 |
Plenary Lecture 23 Chair: Jian-Bo Wu Professor Michael A. Hill:Contribution of At1r Mechanoactivation to the Arterial Myogenic Response and its Regulation by Rgs5 Protein in Skeletal Muscle Arterioles |
11:10-11:40 |
Plenary Lecture 25 Chair: Jing-Yan Han Professor Toshio Nakaki: Micro RNA in regulating oxidative stress in neurons |
Room 402 Yifu Building |
08:00-10:00 |
Symposium 8 New Technique |
Chairs: Gang-Min Ning / Feng Han |
08:00-08:20 |
Feng Han: Visualization of the Inflammatory Response During Neurovascular Damage: Communication Between Microvessel and Microglia |
08:20-08:40 |
Ruo-Fan Wang: A Mathematical Model for the Interaction of Nitric Oxide and Oxygen in the Microcirculation Network |
08:40-09:00 |
Xia-Bing Huang: Tissue Viability Imaging for Reconstructive Plastic Surgery |
09:00-09:20 |
Jing Li: High-speed Atomic Force Microscopy for Nano-visualization of Living Biological Samples |
09:20-09:40 |
Ming-Ming Gao: Generation of Human-like Small Rodent Models for Dyslipidemic and Atherosclerotic Studies: CRISPR/Cas9 Mediated Gene Targeting of Syrian Golden Hamsters |
09:40-10:00 |
Xiang Li: Deep RNA Sequencing Elucidates MicroRNA Regulated Molecular Pathways in Ischemic Cardiomyopathy (ICM) And Non Ischemic Cardiomyopathy (NICM) |
10:10-10:40 |
Plenary Lecture 22 Chair: Jun-Bao Du Professor Jian-Bo Wu: Regulation of Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 in vessel maturation |
10:40-11:10 |
Plenary Lecture 24 Chair: Xue-Jun Li Professor Masato Yasui:Aquaporins in brain disorders |
11:10- 11:40 |
Plenary Lecture 26 Chair: Ke-Sheng Dai Professor Gang-Min Ning: Modelling the Flow Pulsatility in Microcirculation Network |
Room 409 Yifu Building |
08:00-10:00 |
Free Oral Presentation 2 (中文报告) Chairs: Zi-Gang Zhao / Qing-Fu Zhang |
08:00-08:12 |
Di Nan: In Vivo Morphological Observation of Cortical Vessel in Cerebral Hypoperfusion Mice |
08:12-08:24 |
Yingli Yu: Cardioprotective Effects of Gypenoside XVII on Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Mitochondrial Damage Crosstalk after Ischemia-reperfusion Injury through PI3K/AKT and P38 Signalling Pathways |
08:24-08:36 |
Hou-Yuan Hu: Staphylococcal SSL5-induced Platelet Microparticles Provoke Proinflammatory Responses Via the CD40/TRAF6/NFκB Signaling Pathway in Monocytes |
08:36-08:48 |
Yan Pan: Role of Vimentin in the Inhibitory Effects of Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin on PC-3M Cell Adhesion to, and Migration through, Endothelium |
08:48-09:00 |
Lei Lei: MAPK Signaling |
09:00-09:12 |
Yong-Xia Wang: Density and Kinetics of Ito、IK1、IKs and IKr in Guinea Pig ventricular Myocytes:Implications for Arrhythmogenesis in Humans |
09:12-09:24 |
Xue-Hui Zhang: Cardioprotective Effects of Rosa Rugosa Flavoniods on Myocardial Ischemia Reperfusion Injury in Mice |
09:24-09:36 |
Ya-Qian Huang: Endogenous Sulfur Dioxide Alleviates Collagen Remodeling via Inhibiting TGF-β/Smad Pathway in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells |
09:36-09:48 |
Wen-Long Xue: H2S Regulates Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Protein Stability by PromotingmicroRNA-455-3p Expression |
09:48-10:00 |
Shu-Xian Han: Adhesion Under Different Flow Conditions |