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【院长论坛】Precision Medicine of Lung and Liver cancer: Focus of Microbiome a…




报告题目:Precision Medicine of Lung and Liver cancer: Focus of Microbiome and Metabolome

报 告 人:Curtis C. Harris,M.D.

时     间:2019年3月19日(周二)下午16:00-17:00

地     点:北京大学医学部国际合作交流中心二层会议室

主 持 人:张宏权教授


Harris received his M.D. from Kansas University School of Medicine.  He completed his clinical training at the University of California-Los Angeles, and at the NCI.  He has held positions of increasing responsibility at the NCI, and is also an Adjunct Professor of Oncology at Georgetown University School of Medicine.  Harris has received numerous honors throughout his distinguished career including the Alton Ochsner Award relating Smoking and Health (American College of Physicians), Deichmann Award (International Union of Toxicology), Charles Heidelberger Award (International Society of Gastroenterological Carcinogenesis), the Distinguished Service Medal (the highest honor of the U.S. Public Health Service), NCI Outstanding Mentor Award in 2007 and 2013, Ph.D. (Honorary) Nippon University School of Medicine, the AACR-Princess Takamatsu Award, and most recently in 2014 the ILCA Nelson Fausto Award and AACR-American Cancer Society Award for Research Excellence in Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention and in 2017 the Alumnus of the Year, School of Medicine, University of Kansas. He serves as an honorary member for the Japanese Cancer Association and is a Fellow at the American Society of Clinical Investigation and the AAAS. Harris has published more than 500 journal articles, 100 book chapters, and edited 10 books, and holds more than 30 patents owned by the U.S. Government. He also serves as Editor-in-Chief for the journal, Carcinogenesis, and has held or currently holds elected offices in scholarly societies and non-profit foundations including the American Association of Cancer Research, the International Society of Differentiation, the Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology, International Liver Cancer Association and the Aspen Cancer Conference.  He has trained more than 125 physician-scientist postdoctoral fellows. Harris has a wide range of scientific interests and accomplishments spanning molecular genetics, epigenetics, microbiome and metabolome of human cancer to molecular epidemiology of human cancer risk and mechanistic biomarkers of cancer diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutic outcome.  Harris has also co-authored an espionage novel, High Hand by Curtis J. James.            
