51直播» 学术信息


Topics in Medical Informatics



  报告人:吴民 Ph.D.

  报告题目:Topics in Medical Informatics



  主持人:尹玉新教授(51直播 院长)


  Medical informatics (MI) is to identify unmet needs in healthcare and implement information technology in their solutions. Based on the research targets, medical informatics can be divided into four sub-fields, which are bio-informatics, image informatics, clinical informatics and public health informatics. This seminar will provide an introduction to medical informatics in US and present some research projects, conducted by Dr. Wu in US in the past six years.  A summary of current research topics of medical informatics is provided and some trends of MI field are identified. The academics in medical informatics also play an important role in the policy making in US, such as “Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act” (HITECH) in 2009. In addition, a short history of MI training programs in US will be provided. Besides of academics, the industry of medical software in US will be covered. A case study of an electronic medical record (EMR) for large organizations will be introduced. It will include a list of EMR system components, EMR clinical strategies and implementation challenges of  

  EMR. After some general discussions of MI in US, some specific research projects of Dr. Wu will be presented. Dr. Wu’s research topics included biomedical databases (

  NLM National Mammogram Databases;

  Interactive Integrated Oral Image Archive;

  Integrated Databases for Birth-to-three Children), EMR design (

  Spatially Oriented Electronic Dental Records;

  Service-oriented Architecture in EMR, public health informatics (

  Public Health Data Collection and Sharing Using HIPAA Messages;

  Public Health Data Collection using Handhold Applications), and human-computer interaction (

  User Interface Design: E-table for Microarray-based Gene Expression Data).


  1996年 山东大学获物理硕士学位后到美国留学。

  1999年 West Virginia University 获物理硕士学位。

  2001年 University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill 医51直播 生物医学 工程系获医学信息学硕士学位。


  2003年University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee(UWM)任助理教授,为学校创建了一个医学信息学硕士专业 (2004招进第一批学生),2009年初晋升为副教授,获终身教席。