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【院长论坛】The many faces of mitochondrial dynamics





报告题目:The many faces of mitochondrial dynamics

人:Gerald W. Dorn II, MD

              Philip and Sima K Needleman Professor

              Director, Center for Pharmacogenomics

              Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis






Gerald W. Dorn II received his medical degree from the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, SC. After a brief stint on the faculty at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, Dr. Dorn moved to the University of Cincinnati where he rose through the ranks to become Chief of the Division of Cardiology and Associate Dean for Cardiovascular Services. During this period, Dorn’s interest in G-protein coupled neurohormonal signaling pathways that mediate cardiac hypertrophy and its progression to heart failure bore early fruit as a series of genetic mouse models in which cardiac-specific manipulation of Gαq or its downstream effectors activated intrinsic genetic programs for cardiomyocyte growth and/or programmed death. As Principal Investigator of NHLBI P50 SCOR and SCCOR programs at the University of Cincinnati, Dorn and his co-investigators began studying human genetic variants linked to heart disease, modeling the human polymorphisms and mutations in experimental systems for mechanistic investigations. Dorn moved to Washington University in St. Louis in 2008 to become the inaugural Philip and Sima K Needleman Professor and the Associate Chair (Internal Medicine) for Translational Research. The Dorn laboratory investigates multiple aspects of genetic reprogramming in heart failure, with research efforts in cardiac signaling and mitochondrial mechanisms of heart, and increasingly neurological, disease. Their recent efforts have elucidated mechanistic interactions between mitochondrial dynamics proteins, mitophagy factors, and mitochondrial biogenesis pathways in the heart and neurological system, identifying processes for cardiomyocyte mitochondrial and metabolic maturation and neuronal degeneration.

Selective Publications

1.O'Sullivan TE, Geary CD, Weizman OE, Geiger TL, Rapp M, Dorn GW 2nd, Overholtzer M, Sun JC. Atg5 Is Essential for the Development and Survival of Innate Lymphocytes. Cell Rep. 2016 May 31

2.Gong G, Song M, Csordas G, Kelly DP, Matkovich SJ, Dorn GW 2nd. Parkin-mediated mitophagy directs perinatal cardiac metabolic maturation in mice. Science. 2015 Dec 4

3.Hu Y, Matkovich SJ, Hecker PA, Zhang Y, Edwards JR, Dorn GW 2nd. Epitranscriptional orchestration of genetic reprogramming is an emergent property of stress-regulated cardiac microRNAs. Proc Natl Acad Sci. 2012 Nov 12

4.Chen Y, Csordas G, Jowdy C, Schneider TG, Csordas N, Wang W, Liu Y, Kohlhaas M, Meiser M, Bergem S, Nerbonne JM, Dorn GW 2nd, Maack C. Mitofusin 2-containing mitochondrial-reticular microdomains direct rapid cardiomyocyte bioenergetic responses via interorganelle Ca2+ crosstalk. Circ Res. 2012 July 9