【院长论坛】Publishing Scientific Studies at Cell Press
报告题目:Publishing Scientific Studies at Cell Press
报告人:Bruce Koppelman, Ph.D.
Senior Scientific Editor, Immunity
Cell Press
时 间:2017年7月17日(星期一)上午10:30
地 点:医学部生化楼三层中厅
Bruce Koppelmanreceived scientific training at Duke University Medical Center, University of California at San Francisco and the former DNAX Research Institute in Palo Alto, California. After working for six years as a Senior Research Scientist in industry, Dr. Koppelman joined the scientific editorial staff at Cell Press where he is currently a Senior Editor with Immunity. Dr. Koppelman’s responsibilities at the journal are to read new manuscript submissions and to determine high priority candidate studies for full in-depth review. Following review, in collaboration with his editorial colleagues at the journal Dr. Koppelman renders an editorial decision to retain or alternatively terminate consideration of the study for eventual publication at the journal. Dr. Koppelman also determines areas of immunology that warrant timely review of the literature and accordingly selects potential authors to compose review articles.
The process by which a manuscript journeys through editorial consideration and finally publication at Cell Press, is a subject of significant interest in the scientific community. In this presentation, the milestones and decision points will be clarified. Particular attention will be given to the assembling of a manuscript, the submission process, editorial consideration for full in-depth review, reaching an editorial decision following referee feedback as well the production process. By making this process transparent, investigators can be better informed leading to a higher probability for publication of scientific studies at Cell Press journals.