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【院长论坛】Genetic and Optic Dissection of the Networks in Neuron-Metabolism



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报告题目:Genetic and Optic Dissection of the Networks in Neuron-Metabolism

报告人:Dr. DongKong,

             Assistant Professor,

             Department of Neuroscience, Tufts University School of

             Medicine, Boston, United States;


             Neuron-Nutrition Core,

             Harvard Medical School-BIDMC-Feihe Nutrition Laboratory





Dr. Dong Kong joined Tufts University School of Medicine as an Assistant Professor in 2014. He obtained a Ph.D. in Genetics and Molecular Biology from Model Animal Research Center & Nanjing University, China and finished his thesis project at Harvard Medical School.  Dr. Kong received his post-doctoral trainings first at the Division of Endocrinology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and then at the Department of Neurobiology of Harvard Medical School. His group is now leveraging and combining a battery of cutting-edge technologies, ranging from genetically engineered mouse models, recombinant viral vectors and viral tracing system, optogenetic and pharmacogenetic approaches, patch-clamp electrophysiology, to 2-photon laser scanning microscopy and 2-photon laser uncaging methods (2PLSM/2PLU), to interrogate the following questions: 1) how neurons in the central nervous system translate their intrinsic firing properties to the controlling of feeding behaviors and metabolic regulations, and what circuits are involved; 2) how metabolic signals, including circulating metabolites, hormones, and neuropeptides, act on circuit neurons, shape their firing outputs, and modulate related synaptic neurotransmission; and 3) what kinds of molecules, ion channels, or cellular signaling pathways are rooted to bear these physiological processes and how their dysfunctions contribute to the pathogenesis of disorders in both metabolism and cognition.
