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【院长论坛】(10.25)Exploring Precision Oncology: From DNA Repair Defects to Ge…


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报告题目:Exploring Precision Oncology: From DNA Repair Defects to Genomic Instability

报告人:Dr. Arul M. Chinnaiyan,M.D., Ph.D.

             S.P. Hicks Endowed Professor of Pathology

             Director, Michigan Center for Translational Pathology

             The University of Michigan Medical School





Dr. Chinnaiyan’s research expertise is in functional genomic, proteomic and bioinformatics approaches to study cancer for the purposes of understanding cancer biology as well as to discover clinical biomarkers. The landmark study from his lab was the discovery of TMPRSS2-ETS gene fusions in prostate cancer in 2005.  This finding redefined the molecular basis of prostate cancer as well as other common epithelial cancers. He also led the development of the popular cancer profiling bioinformatics resource called Oncomine (www.oncomine.org).  Most recently, he has been involved in developing high-throughput clinical sequencing approaches for precision oncology (i.e., MI-ONCOSEQ). This has led to a number of discoveries including the pathognomomic gene fusion for solitary fibrous tumor (SFT), etc. Moreover, the mutational landscape of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer and diverse adult and pediatric cancers have been analyzed through this study. Recently, his team demonstrated that integrative sequence analysis provides clinically relevant, multidimensional view of the complex molecular landscape and microenvironment of metastatic cancers. The manuscript presenting the analysis of the MET500 cohort was published in Nature and featured on the cover of the journal.

Dr. Chinnaiyan’s lab has also been devoting considerable effort towards understanding the role of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNA) and exploring their clinical potential. One of the lncRNAs that has been extensively studied in the lab, SChLAP1, was associated with a higher risk for biochemical recurrence, metastases, death from prostate cancer, and death from any cause at 10 years after prostatectomy. They showed that non-invasive detection of SChLAP1 in urine is feasible and are currently developing SChLAP1 as a clinical biomarker.
