51直播» 学术信息


International conference for pharmacology of Traditional Chinese Medicine


                                                             Joint Congress for

International Conference of Traditional Chinese Medicine Pharmacology and

5th Annual Conference of the Specialty Committee of Traditional Chinese Medicine Pharmacology,

World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies 

  8th Sep

  Room 514

  Room 502



  Symposium 1

  1. Salvianolic acid B rescues endothelial function

  in diabetic db/db mice

  2. Impacts of Xinshuai mixture on cell apoptosis

  and LDH leakage rate in hypertrophic


  3. Genistein accelerates refractory wound

  healing by suppressing superoxide and FoxO1/iNOS pathway in type 1 diabetes

  4. Treatment of Cardiotonic Pills? after

  Ischemia-Reperfusion Ameliorates

  Myocardial Fibrosis in Rats

  Symposium 2 

  1. New Strategy for Research on TCM

  2. Chemical Manipulation of Virus-Host Cell

  Interactions for Discovery of Anti-Viral Drugs

  in a Novel Mechanism

  3. Saikosaponin b1 has a potential efficacy

  together with growth factors in skin


  4. Study on the association between the

  Pharmacology and herbal quality in Chinese




  Plenary Lecture 1  Recent Approaches on Elucidations of Pharmacological Actions and Active Ingredients of Kampo Medicines

  Professor Haruki Yamada, Kitasato University



  Plenary Lecture 2  How important is intestinal microflora in the pharmacological effect of natural products?

  Professor Dong-Hyun Kim, Kyung Hee University



  Plenary Lecture 3  A new strategy for evaluating the fficacy of Chinese medical formulae

  Professor Xi-Jun Wang,, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine





  Symposium 3   

  1. Some reflections on our fourteen-year research

  on the effective substances and action

  mechanisms of Buyang Huanwu Decoctio, a

  famous Chinese herbal prescription for treating

  ischemic stroke

  2. Ginsenoside Rg1 Attenuates Nerve Cell

  Oxidative Stress and Focal Ischemia Reperfusion

  Injury via the Binding Protein, Non-Muscle

  Myosin Heavy Chain IIA 3. Effect of Taurine on

  Brain Edema and Expression of AQP4\Taurine

  Transporter in the Rats with Traumatic Brain


  4.The pharmacological activity of anaxadiol 

  fraction  in the central Nervous system and its

  potential for clinic application

  5. Traditional Chinese and Kampo medicines can

  target diabetes-induced cognitive and emotional

  deficits: Experimental evidence from Chotosan

  Symposium 3   

  1. Effects of LPS on microcirculation and the

  coping strategy.

  2. Salvianolic Acid B Ameliorates Rat

  Mesentery Microcirculatory Disturbance

  Induced by Lipopolysaccharide 

  3. Protective effect of Sarcandra glabra Extract

  against influenza virus-induced pneumonia in

  restraint-stressed mice

  4.Anti-influenza Virus and Anti-inflammatory

  Activities of a Kampo Medicine, Shoseiryuto

  Through Airway Immune System

  5. SND67, a novel sinomenine derivative,

  Ameliorates collagen-induced arthritis in

  mice through suppressing inflammatory

  macrophage polarization and Th1-Th17

  responses via blocking the interaction

  of TRAF6 and IRF-5



  Plenary Lecture 4  The immunomodulatory and Neuroprotective Activity of Gynostemma pentaphyllum

  Professor Chong-Kil Lee, College of Pharmacy, Chungbuk National University



  Plenary Lecture 5  Immunotherapy for Alzheimer’s disease

  Adjunct Professor Takeshi Tabira, Juntendo University



  Plenary Lecture 6  From Genomics to Stem Cell Biology: Applications of Multidiscipline Approaches for Understanding Therapeutic Principles of A Classic Chinese Medicinal Formula for Post-Stroke Treatment

  Associate professor Jiang-Gang Shen, School of Chinese Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

  9th  Sep

  Room 514

  Room 502



  Symposium 5

  1. Innovative Drugs from Traditional Chinese

  Herbal Medicine in Treating Human Cancer


  2. Characterisation of Australian cane toad

  glandular secretion and elucidation of its

  anti-cancer mechanism

  3. Pseudolaric acid B, active compound from

  Chinese medicinal herb Tujinpi, induces mitotic

  catastrophe, and superixide mediates a positive

  feedback loop between mitochondrial

  dysfunction and mitophagy which contributes to

  senescence in murine fibrosarcoma L929 cells

  4. The experimental and clinical research on

  reversing drug resistant in non-small  cell lung cancer by Traditional Chinese medicine

  5. Matrine blocks autophagy degradation via

  proteolytic inactivation of lysosomal proteases in

  gastric cancer cells

  Symposium 6

  1. TCM Systems Pharmacology method

  Development with its application to

  Cardiovascular diseases

  2. The Key Role of Early ADME in Drug

  Discovery & Development

  3. The relationship between rational drug

  design and drug side effects

  4. Development of a System-to-System model

  of Systems Biology for Traditional Chinese


  5. Validation of protein target for drug discovery



  Education Lecture More systematic education for younger researchers aiming at easy understanding the meaning of combined prescriptions in traditional  medicines/Recruiting excellent reviews by Asian researchers studying the interesting pharmacology of traditional medicines

  Adjunct Professor Kimura Ikuko, Toyama College School of Food and Nutrition Science



  Plenary Lecture 7 PHY906: Ancient Medicine for Modern Indications

  Dr Shwu-Huey Liu, PhytoCeutica Inc., New Haven, CT



  Plenary Lecture 8 Research Progress and Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China

  Professor De-An Guo, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Department of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Peking University Health Science Center/Tasly Microcirculation Research Center, Peking University Health Science Center