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Frontiers of Physiology Beijing Forum 2019



Frontiers of Physiology Beijing Forum 2019


With the rapid progress of the modern biological sciences, we become more clearly aware that physiological research should be conducted to reveal the microscopic mechanisms of the whole-body functions in healthy and diseased conditions. However, it has been a challenge to integrate molecular analysis and systemic functions. Therefore, to promote the future development of physiological sciences, we are inviting the world’s leading physiologist to exchange the ideas and recent progresses in the frontiers of modern physiology together with domestic leading physiologists. The forum will also provide an excellent opportunity for students to actively participate in a world-class advanced scientific exchange in the area of physiological sciences. 


Meeting name:       Frontiers of Physiology Beijing Forum 2019

Time:                     13:00 ~17:30, October 30, 2019

Venue:                    209 Yifu Building, 38 Xueyuan Rd, Haidian District,

                               Peking University Health Science Center

Chair:                    Yun Wang (Peking University)

General Secretary:    Wei Kong (Peking University)

Secretory: Ying Zhang (Peking University)


Invited Speakers:


Institute for Translational Research in Biomedicine, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and Chang Gung University, College of Medicine, Taipei

President, International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS)

Research interests: Neurosciences, signal pathways, cardiovascular physiology and oxidative stress.

Topic: Oxidative stress in developmental programming of hypertension


Susan Wray

Department of Cellular & Molecular Physiology, Crown Street, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom

1st Vice President, International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS)

Research interests: Smooth muscle, Calcium signalling, pH, obstetrics and metabolism.

Topic: Translating new physiological insights to improve childbirth



Peter Hunter

Auckland Bioengineering Institute, New Zealand

2nd Vice President, International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS)

Research interests: Computational modelling of the human body and its functions, from tissue structure to mechanical, electrical and cellular activity.

Topic: Mapping the autonomic nervous system



Ulrich Pohl

Walter-Brendel Centre, Germany

Secretary-General, International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS)

Research interests: The regulation of organ perfusion, the role of connexins in the microcirculation and the calcium    independent control of smooth muscle tone.

Topic: The functional role of connexins in the vascular system or on the role of AMPK in control of microvascular tone


Patricia Molina

Department of Physiology, LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans, USA

Treasurer, International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS)

Research interests: impact of alcohol and drug abuse on the  cardiovascular, metabolic and immune consequences of acute traumatic injury and hemorrhagic shock, the interaction of chronic alcohol and cannabinoid use on the behavioral, metabolic, and immune consequences of HIV/AIDS.

Topic: Alcohol-SIV/HIV-ART interactions & risk for comorbidities


Yun Wang

Neuroscience Research Institute,Peking University, China

President, Chinese Association for Physiological Sciences (CAPS)

Research interests: Chronic Pain and its Psychiatry Comorbidity, Neural Development and Brain Disorders, Neural Injury and Repair

Topic: Pain and pain modulation: from molecules to neurocircuits


 Shi-Qiang Wang

School of Life Sciences, Peking University, China

Vice President, Chinese Association for Physiological Sciences (CAPS)

Research interests: molecular processes of intracellular Ca2+ signals, molecular mechanisms of heart diseases and bioengineering

Topic: Chaotic intracellular Ca2+ dynamics during catecholaminergic arrhythmia


Wei Kong

Department of Physiology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Peking University, China

Executive member of the council, Chinese Association for Physiological Sciences (CAPS)

Research interests: extracellular matrix, microenvironment and vascular remodelling

Topic: ECM dynamics and cardiovascular disease





Meeting schedule

Opening Session

HostWei Kong


Ning Zhang

Vice President of Peking UniversityHealth Science Center

Opening Remarks and Welcome

Chan-Hwa Yu

President of IUPS

Yun Wang

President of CAPS

Session 2

HostShi-Qiang Wang


Chan-Hwa Yu

Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and Chang Gung University, Taipei

Oxidative stress in developmental programming of hypertension


Patricia Molina

LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans, USA

Alcohol-SIV/HIV-ART interactions & risk for comorbidities


Susan Wray

University of Liverpool, United Kingdom

Translating new physiological insights to improve childbirth


Yun Wang

Peking University, China

Pain and pain modulation: from molecule to neurocircuit


Coffee break

Session 2

HostYun Wang


Peter Hunter

Auckland Bioengineering Institute, New Zealand

Mapping the autonomic nervous system


Ulrich Pohl

Walter-Brendel Centre, Germany

The functional role of connexins in the vascular system or on the role of AMPK in control of microvascular tone


Shi-Qiang Wang

Peking University, China

Chaotic intracellular Ca2+dynamics during catecholaminergic arrhythmia


Wei Kong

Peking University, China

ECM dynamics and cardiovascular disease

Closing ceremony


Welcome all investigators and students in related fields to join in this forum!



Yun Wang, M.D. & Ph.D.

Professor of Neurobiology, Peking University Health Science Center

President, Chinese Association for Physiological Sciences