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(6.26)Ribosome associated quality control (RQC): how cells clean up translat…




报告题目:Ribosome associated quality control (RQC): how cells clean up translational failures

报  告  人:Kamena Kostova, Ph.D

                 Principal Investigator,Carnegie Institution for Science,Department of Embryology

时        间:2019 年6 月26 日(星期三)上午10:00-11:00

地        点:生化楼三层中厅

主  持   人:罗建沅教授



Dr. Kostova works on protein biosynthesis which is the most energy-consuming process during cellular proliferation. Therefore, any event that interferes with protein production jeopardizes cell viability. A particular challenge is ribosome stalling where a ribosome gets trapped on an mRNA and can neither proceed with translation nor be released. To counter the threats posed by ribosome stalling, cells have evolved quality control pathways that detect and release the stalled ribosome, and degrade both the mRNA and the nascent polypeptide. We utilize cutting-edge technology, such as CRISPR-mediated genome editing and whole-genome CRISPR interference screens, to gain a comprehensive view of the pathways allowing cells to cope with translational failures.   

Representative Publications:

Kostova KK, Hickey KL, Osuna BA, Hussmann JA, Frost A, Weinberg DE, Weissman JS. (2017).

CAT-tailing as a fail-safe mechanism for efficient degradation of stalled nascent polypeptides.

Science, 357(6349):414-417

Feldser DM, Kostova KK, Winslow MM, Taylor SE, Cashman C, Whittaker CA, Sanchez-Rivera FJ,

Resnick R, Bronson R, Hemann MT, Jacks T.(2010). Stage-specific sensitivity to p53 restoration

during lung cancer progression. Nature, 468 (7323):572-575.

Cheung AF, Carter AM, Kostova KK, Woodruff JF, Crowley D, Bronson RT, Haigis KM, Jacks T.

2009. Complete deletion of Apc results in severe polyposis in mice. Oncogene (2010) 29, 1857–1864
