【院长论坛】Role of Diverse Co-activators in Transcriptional Regulation in Ani…
Role of Diverse Co-activators in Transcriptional
Regulation in Animal Cells
报告人:Dr. Robert Gayle Roeder, Ph.D.
Professor and Head, Laboratory of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
Arnold O. and Mabel S. Beckman Professor,
The Rockefeller University, New York, USA
主持人:朱卫国 教授 (51直播-51直播网 生物化学与分子生物学系)
时 间: 2010年5月25日(周二) PM 14:30-16:00
地 点: 北京大学医学部会议中心205会议室
Dr. Roeder 是国际生物学界巨牛,主要贡献在于他发现真核细胞转录起始复合物的酶RNA Polymerases I, II III, 确立了真核生物与原核生物不同的转录机制,发现了转录启动因子TFIID,发明了分离真核基因的方法。发现核小体组装干扰转录因子结合启动子的过程,并共同发现转录因子具有组蛋白乙酰化酶活性等等。在三大杂志Cell,,Nature,和Science上以第一和责任作者发表论文100多篇。基于他的贡献,国际及美国生物学界给予他很高的荣誉,如:
2003年- Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award该奖项是仅次于NOBEL奖的生物大奖;
2002 -ASBMB-Merck Award, the 2000 Gairdner Foundation International Award;
1999 -Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize;
1999- General Motors Cancer Research Foundation’s Alfred P. Sloan Prize. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences.
Publication list (selected in recent 5 years) (* denotes corresponding author):
1. Kim J, Guermah M, Roeder RG*. The human PAF1 complex acts in chromatin transcription elongation both independently and cooperatively with SII/TFIIS. Cell. 2010 Feb 19;140(4):491-503.
2. Chen W, Yang Q, Roeder RG*. Dynamic interactions and cooperative functions of PGC-1alpha and MED1 in TRalpha-mediated activation of the brown-fat-specific UCP-1 gene. Mol Cell. 2009 Sep 24;35(6):755-68.
3. Kim J, Guermah M, McGinty RK, Lee JS, Tang Z, Milne TA, Shilatifard A, Muir TW, Roeder RG*. RAD6-Mediated transcription-coupled H2B ubiquitylation directly stimulates H3K4 methylation in human cells. Cell. 2009 May 1;137(3):459-71.
4. Dou Y, Milne TA, Ruthenburg AJ, Lee S, Lee JW, Verdine GL, Allis CD, Roeder RG*. Regulation of MLL1 H3K4 methyltransferase activity by its core components. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2006 Aug;13(8):713-9.
5. Fujiki R, Chikanishi T, Hashiba W, Ito H, Takada I, Roeder RG, Kitagawa H, Kato S. GlcNAcylation of a histone methyltransferase in retinoic-acid-induced granulopoiesis. Nature. 2009 May 21;459(7245):455-9.
6. Siegel R, Kim U, Patke A, Yu X, Ren X, Tarakhovsky A, Roeder RG*. Nontranscriptional regulation of SYK by the coactivator OCA-B is required at multiple stages of B cell development. Cell. 2006 May 19;125(4):761-74.
7. Guermah M, Palhan VB, Tackett AJ, Chait BT, Roeder RG*. Synergistic functions of SII and p300 in productive activator-dependent transcription of chromatin templates. Cell. 2006 Apr21;125(2):275-86.
8. Kim J, Hake SB, Roeder RG*. The human homolog of yeast BRE1 functions as a transcriptional coactivator through direct activator interactions. Mol Cell. 2005 Dec 9;20(5):759-70.
9. Zhang X, Krutchinsky A, Fukuda A, Chen W, Yamamura S, Chait BT, Roeder RG*.MED1/TRAP220 exists predominantly in a TRAP/ Mediator subpopulation enriched in RNA polymerase II and is required for ER-mediated transcription. Mol Cell. 2005 Jul 1;19(1):89-100.
10. Dou Y, Milne TA, Tackett AJ, Smith ER, Fukuda A, Wysocka J, Allis CD, Chait BT, Hess JL, Roeder RG. Physical association and coordinate function of the H3 K4 methyltransferase MLL1 and the H4 K16 acetyltransferase Mol. Cell. 2005 Jun17;121(6):873-85