【院长论坛】The functions and fates of CD8 T cells
报告人:Allan J. Zajac, Ph.D.
Associate Professor with Tenure
Department of Microbiology
University of Alabama at Birmingham
主持人:罗光湘 教授
Prof. Allan J. Zajac obtained his B.Sc in Microbiology &Virology from University of Warwick , Coventry, UK in 1991 and Ph.D. in Microbiology & Immunology from University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC. in 1996. He completed his postdoctoral training on Viral Immunology at Emory University, Atlanta, GA from 1996 to 1999. He has been a faculty and promoted to tenured associate professor in the Department of Microbiology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham since 2007. His research program is centered on the understanding of robust and highly effective immune responses induced by viral infections and vaccinations and immune evasion resulting in persistent viral infections.
Prof. Zajac has made many important contributions to understanding the importance of CD4 and CD8 T cells in the control of viral infections. He has discovered that the CD4 T cell-derived cytokine, IL-21, is essential for sustaining cell-mediated immunity in chronically infected hosts. More recently, his group has demonstrated how adhesion molecule interactions influence the balance of effector and memory T cells and regulate the deletion of virus-specific CD8 T cells during chronic viral infections. His research interests mainly focus on the functional complexity of CD8 T cell responses, particularly on the questions of how the formation of discrete cytokine- producing subsets is controlled and how they contribute to the success or failure of anti-viral immunity.
1.Harrington LE, Janowski KM, Oliver JR, Zajac AJ, Weaver CT(2009). Memory CD4 T cells emerge from an IFN- competent effector cell population. Nature, 452, 356-360.
2.Yi JS, Du M, Zajac AJ(2009). A vital role for interlukin-21 in the control of a chronic viral infection. Science, 324, 1572-1576.
3.Ingram JT, Yi JS, Zajac AJ(2011). Exhausted CD8 T cells downregulate the IL-18 receptor and become unresponsive to inflammatory cytokines and bacterial co-infections. PLoS Pathogens 7(9), e1002273.
4.Cox MA, Barnum SR, Bullard DC, Zajac AJ(2013). ICAM-1 dependent tuning of memory CD8 T cell responses following acute infection. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., 110, 1416-1421.
5.Zajac AJ, Harrington LE(2014). Tissue-resident T cells lose their S1P1 exit visas. Cellular and Molecular Immunology, 11, 221-223.
6.Kahan SM, Zajac AJ(2014). A stay of execution: type I interferons pardon T cells from death by natural killers. Immunity, 40, 861-862.
7.Selin LK, Zajac AJ(2016). Editorial Overview: Viral Immunology. Current Opinion in Virology, 16, 7-9.
8.Tian Y, Cox MA, Kahan SM, Ingram JT, Bakshi RK, Zajac AJ(2016). A context-dependent role for IL-21 in modulating the differentiation, distribution, and abundance of effector and memory CD8 T cell subsets. Journal of Immunology, 196, 2153-2166.
9.Tian Y, Zajac AJ(2016). IL-21 and T cell differentiation: Consider the context. Trends in Immunology, 37, 557-568.
10. Tian Y, Mollo SB, Harrington LE, Zajac AJ(2016). IL-10 regulates memory T cell development and the balance between Th1 and follicular Th cell responses during an acute viral infection. Journal of Immunology, 196, 1308-1321.