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Approaching Complex Brain Disorders through Mapping High-Resolution Protei…



Approaching Complex Brain Disorders  through Mapping High-Resolution  Protein-Protein Interaction Network


Speaker: Dr. Xinping Yang

Center for Cancer Systems Biology,

Dana Farber Cancer Institute,

Department of Genetics,

Harvard Medical School


Dr. Xinping Yang is now a postdoctoral research fellow based in

Harvard Medical School . Dr. Yang is interested in understanding

the molecular mechanism underlying complex traits with

dysregulated brain functions through mapping local, highresolution,

disease-centered protein-protein interaction networks.

His research accomplishments on genetic diseases include

linkage analysis and positional cloning of a disease

causal gene, identification of misregulated pathways involved

in disease development, genome-scale cloning of open reading

frames (ORFs) and protein-protein interaction network

mapping, development of high-throughput platform for studying

high-resolution protein-protein interaction networks and the

application of this platform to the study of autism and schizophrenia.


主持人: 于常海 教授 北京大学神经科学研究所

时间: 2014 年3月5 ) 11:00 AM

地点: 北京大学神经科学研究所会议室
