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International symposium on cellular responses to stresses



International symposium on cellular responses to stresses 


主席       朱卫国                        副主席      毛泽斌

名誉主席   童坦    尚永丰

委员       周春燕   王文恭   李刚   贾弘禔   倪菊华 


会议时间: 48    9:00~15:20                会议地点:会议中心206

Chairman    Hongti Jia

Talk1: UHRF family proteins and their roles in regulation of DNA methylation (9:05-9:35)

Jiemin Wong      Professor, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China

Dr. Wong’s lab is mainly focused on Genetic Engineering and Epigenetics.


Talk2: Stress responses and arginine methylation in C. elegans (9:35-10:05)

Akiyoshi Fukamizu     Professor, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan

Professor Akiyoshi Fukamizu’s laboratory studies the regulated function of transcription and signal transduction and their roles in cardiovascular and brain systems.

Tea Time (15 minutes)


Chairman    Chunyan Zhou

Talk3: Enzymatic oxidation of 5-methylcytosine in embryonic stem cells and cancer (10:20-10:50)

Sriharsa Pradhan     Professor, Division Head, RNA Biology and Epigenetics, NEB, Boston, USA

Professor Sriharsa Pradhan’s laboratory is focused on understanding the process of histone and DNA methylation in mammals, with greater emphasis on enzymes and their cross-talk with other cis or trans-acting factors during cellular growth, development and apoptosis.


Talk4: Long non-coding RNA gadd7 interacts with TDP-43 and regulates the Cdk6mRNA decay (10:50-11:20)

Qimin Zhan     Academician, Chinese Academy of Medical Science and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China

Dr. Zhan’s research interest is focused on the molecular pathways involved in the control of cell cycle checkpoint and apoptosis after DNA damage. He is also interested in signaling pathways involved in regulation of the maintenance of genomic stability and tumor metastasis.


Talk5: Molecular mechanisms of the switch between TNF-induced apoptosis and necrosis  (11:20-11:50)

Jiahuai Han     Professor, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China

Dr. Han’s research interests are the molecular mechanisms in stress responses including inflammation and inflammation related diseases.


Chairman    Wengong Wang

Talk6: Metabolic Syndrome: from bench to the bedside (13:50-14:20)

Rui-Ping Xiao     Professor, Peking University, Beijing , china

Dr. Xiao’s main scientific focus has been G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling in the cardiovascular system.


Talk7: Regulation and functioning of Heat Shock Proteins (HSPs) in protein aggregation diseases:  role of HSF-1 and FOXO-1 dependent and -independent HSPs (14:20-14:50)  

H.H. (Harm H) Kampinga     Professor, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, Groningen , Dutch

The central theme of professor Harm Kampinga’s research has always been related to the consequences of protein un-or misfolding on cellular functions.


Talk8: Cell cycle machinery in development and in cancer (14:50-15:20)

Peter Sicinski    Professor, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA

Professor Peter Sicinski’s lab studies the role of the core cell cycle machinery in mouse development and in cancer using genetic, genomic, and proteomic approaches.




51直播 生化与分子生物学系