(3.17)【第101期院长论坛】Atherosclerosis: Known and Unknown
报告题目:Atherosclerosis: Known and Unknown
报 告 人:范江霖, 主任教授
时 间:2023年3月17日(星期五)下午14:00
地 点: 医学部科技楼北楼11层大会议室
主 持 人: 冼勋德 研究员
范江霖教授为日本山梨大学医学部分子病理学系主任教授,日本动脉硬化学会理事,日本华人医师会会长,国际转基因家兔研究会会长,陕西省2015年百人计划入选,科技部国家2019年度高端外国专家引进计划入选,北京大学医学部客座教授,西安交通大学医学部特聘教授,五邑大学特聘教授。长期从事炎症,脂质代谢,肥胖,心脑血管病理,动脉硬化的发生发展机制的研究,特别是在开发利用转基因和基因敲除家兔研究方面在国际上处于领先地位。为日本医51直播 校史上第一个外国出身的医51直播 终身教授,在山梨大学工作期间,总共获得日本政府文部省科研资助9项,日本厚生省资助1项,日本学术振兴会(JSPS)资助2项,日本学生支援机构资助1项,法人财团资助横向课题19项,山梨大学科研资助项目3项,其中包括重大科研项目1项和两个国际交流项目,曾多次获得美国和日本的学会奖励。2021年4月在日本获得第110届日本病理学会终身成就奖,该奖是日本病理学会110年历史中第一次由外国人获得。2023年度又获日本动脉硬化学会奖。在国内主持过863项目一项,国自然基金面上项目一项,国自然基金专项项目一项,广东省科研项目三项。目前为止已发表SCI论文230余篇,其中包括J Clin Invest, PNAS,Circulation, Circulation Res,JASN等。总引数超过10000以上。近5年主编英文专著两部。并获得2021年度基础医学领域「爱思唯尔中国高被引学者」。
Professor Jianglin Fan is the Director and Chief Professor of the Department of Pathology of the University of Yamanashi, Japan, the Director of the Japanese Association of Arteriosclerosis, the President of the Chinese Medical Association of Japan, the President of the International Association of Genetically Modified Rabbits. He was the selected member of the 2015 Hundred Talents Program of Shaanxi Province, the selected member of the 2019 National High-end Foreign Experts Introduction Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Visiting Professor of Peking University Health Science Center, the Distinguished Professor of Xi'an Jiaotong University Medical School, and the Distinguished Professor of Wuyi University. He has been engaged in the research on the mechanism of inflammation, lipid metabolism, obesity, cardio-cerebrovascular pathology and arteriosclerosis, especially in the development and utilization of transgenic and gene knockout rabbits. He is the first tenured full Professor of medical school with a foreign origin in the history of the Japanese medical college. He has published more than 230 SCI papers, including J Clin Invest, PNAS, Circulation, Circulation Res, JASN, etc. The total number of citations exceeds 10000. He has edited two English monographs in the past five years, and was awarded won the title of "Elsevier China Highly cited scholar" in the field of basic medicine in 2021