【院长论坛】The Hippo signaling pathway and epithelial to mesenchymal transiti…
报告题目 :The Hippo signaling pathway and epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT): implication for tumorigenesis and metastasis
报告人:Jianmin Zhang, Ph.D
Assistant Professor of Oncology
Department of Cancer Genetics
Roswell Park Cancer Institute
Elm & Carlton Streets, Buffalo, NY 14263, USA。
时间:11月16日(星期三) 下午2:00
主持人:张宏权 教授
Jianmin Zhang, Ph.D., is currently Assistant Professor of Oncology, Department of Cancer Genetics, Roswell Park Cancer Institute . He got his PhD from Hadassah Medical School, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel . He did his postdoctoral fellowship in Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center, Harvard Medical School . His research interests are EMT and cancer biology.
Selected publications:
1. Smolen G.A.*, Zhang J.*, Zubrowski M., Edelman E., Luo B., Yu M., Ng L., Schott B.J., Ramaswamy S., Root D.E. and Haber D.A. Genome-wide RNAi screen for endogenous negative regulators of cell migration. Genes Dev, 24 (23):2654-65, 2010 (*Equal contribution)
2. Zhang J., Ji J., Yu M., Overholtzer M., Smolen G. A., Wang R., Brugge J. S., Dyson N.J. and Haber D. A. YAP-dependent induction of amphiregulin identifies a non-cell autonomous component of the Hippo pathway. Nature Cell Biol, 11 (12): 1444-50, 2009.
3. Zhang J., Song YH., Brannigan B. W., Wahrer D. C. R., Schiripo T. A., Harris P. L., Haserlat S. M., Ulkus L. E., Shannon K. M., Garber J. E., Freedman M. L., Henderson B. E., Zou L., Sgroi D. C., Haber D. A. and Bell D. W. Prevalence and functional analysis of sequence varians in the ATR checkpoint mediator Claspin. Mol Cancer Res, 7(9): 1510-6, 2009.
4. Rivera M.N., Kim W.J., Wells J., Stone A., Burger A., Coffman E.J., Zhang J., and Haber D.A. The tumor suppressor WTX shuttles to the nucleus and modulates WT1 activity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 106(20): 8338-43, 2009.
5. Yu M., Smolen G.A., Zhang J., Wittner B., Schott B.J., Brachtel E., Ramaswamy S., Maheswaran S. and Haber D.A. A developmentally regulated inducer of EMT, LBX1, contributes to breast cancer progression. Genes Dev, 23(15): 1737-42, 2009.
6. Lande-Diner L*., Zhang J.* and Cedar H. Shifts in replication timing actively affect histone acetylation during nucleosome reassembly. Mol Cell, 34(6): 767-74, 2009. (*Equal contribution)
7. Zhang J., Smolen G. A. and Haber D. A. Negative regulation of YAP by LATS1
underscores evolutionary conservation of the Drosophila Hippo pathway in mammals.
Cancer Res, 68(8): 2789-94, 2008.
8. Overholtzer M*., Zhang J.*, Smolen G. A.*, Muir B., Li W., Sgroi D.C., Deng CX., Brugge J. S. and Haber D. A. Transforming properties of YAP, a candidate oncogene on the chromosome 11q22 amplicon. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 103(33): 12405-10, 2006. (* Equal contribution)
9. Kwak E. L., Kim S., Zhang J., Cardiff R. D., Schmidt E. V. and Haber D. A.
Mammary tumorigenesis following transgenic expression of a dominant negative CHK2 mutant. Cancer Res, 66(4): 1923-8, 2006.
10. Lande-Diner L.*, Zhang J.*, Ben-Porath I., Amariglio N., Keshet I., Hecht M., Azuara V., Fisher A. G., Rechavi G. and Cedar H. Role of DNA methylation in stable gene repression. J Biol Chem, 282(16): 12194-200, 2007. (* Equal contribution)
11. Ji Y., Zhang J., Lee A. I., Cedar H. and Bergman Y. A multistep mechanism for the activation of rearrangement in the immune system. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 100(13):7557-62, 2003.
12. Hashimshony T., Zhang J., Keshet I. , Bustin M. and Cedar H. The role of DNA
methylation in setting up chromatin structure during development. Nature Genet, 34(2):187-92, 2003.
13. Zhang J., Xu F., Hashimshony T., Keshet I. and Cedar H. Establishment of
transcriptional competence in early and late S phase. Nature, 420(6912): 198-202,