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【院长论坛】Why Publish? And How to Choose Your Journal Wisely;How to Write a…




  报告题目:Why Publish? And How to Choose Your Journal Wisely.

        报告人:Gary C. Schoenwolf

         Editor-in-Chief, Developmental Dynamics

        时间:10月27日(星期四) 下午2:00




  Gary C. Schoenwolf, Ph.D., is a Distinguished Professor, Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, and an Adjunct Professor, Department of Pediatrics, at the University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, USA. He is the Founder and past Director of the Children’s Health Research Center, a center that trained under his tenure about 75 physician-scientists. He is the author of over 200 publications, including more than a dozen books. He has trained in his laboratory more than 50 graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, pediatric and neurosurgery fellows, and visiting faculty. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the journal Developmental Dynamics for the past 8.5 years. He has served on numerous grant review boards and as a reviewer for almost 100 journals, and he is the winner of prestigious awards, including the Henry Gray Award, the American Association of Anatomists, The AJ Ladman Exemplary Service Award, the American Association of Anatomists, and the Donald D. Matson Award, the Pediatric Neurological Surgery Society. He is a Fellow of both the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Association of Anatomists. Recently, he was awarded the first annual Pediatric Mentoring Award, University of Utah, which was subsequently named the Gary C. Schoenwolf, Mentoring Award. He has organized and led approximately 40 publishing, grant writing, and mentoring workshops, and regularly speaks on career development issues for scientists, as well as on his research, at national and international venues.



  报告题目:How to Write a Scientific Paper

  报告人: Kurt H. Albertine,

         Editor-in-Chief, The Anatomical Record





  Dr. Albertine is Professor of Pediatrics, Medicine (Adjunct), and Neurobiology & Anatomy (Adjunct) and Associate Dean of Faculty Administration at the University of Utah, School of Medicine in Salt Lake City, Utah.  He is a Fellow of the American Association of Anatomists (FAAA).  The Editor-in-Chief of The Anatomical Record, a flagship journal of the American Association of Anatomists.  Dr. Albertine's research topic is acute and chronic lung disease, with emphasis on neonatal chronic lung disease.  The focus of his studies is identification of molecular mechanisms that disrupt lung development in the preterm neonate who requires prolonged mechanical ventilation.  Current studies are testing hypotheses about the effect of preterm birth and prolonged mechanical ventilation on the epigenetic platform that determines lung development and long-term outcomes later in life.  Dr. Albertine has published more than 200 peer-reviewed papers, chapters, reviews, editorials, and textbooks.  He has mentored more than 300 undergraduate, medical students, and pediatric residents and fellows in his research laboratory over the past two decades.  He has organized and led about 40 scientific publishing, grant writing, and mentoring workshops, as well as present invited research seminars, in the United States and internationally over the past decade.