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【院长论坛】Personalized cancer medicine through a systems biology approach




  报告题目:Personalized cancer medicine through a systems biology approach

  报告人:Edwin Wang

  National Research Council Canada,

  Biotechnology Research Institute,Montreal





  Recent studies have determined that many drugs work well for less than half of the patients for whom they are prescribed. Furthermore, nearly 3 million incorrect or ineffective prescriptions are written annually and more than 100,000 people in the U.S. die each year from drug-related adverse events. These data strongly suggest that one-size-fits-all medicine and preventive care are not effective. Moreover, effective treatment of disease requires considering the effects of the patient’s personal genetic background. Large-scale sequencing and omic profili

  ng of cancer genomes have generated huge amount of data. The continual development of faster and cheaper DNA sequencing and other high-throughput technologies will lead to generating data in a routine clinical manner. Thus, it is possible to adopt a systems biology strategy for getting insights from these data for medical research and finally moving forward into the era of personalized medicine.

  I will discuss how to make sense of and make use of these data to conduct network modeling and biomarkers for personalized cancer patient care: (1) drug response and prognosis marker discovery from the omic data; (2) cancer patient-based gene network reconstruction and modeling to understand the cancer progression and metastasis such EMT-network modeling; (3) network analysis for drug targets for cancer drug resistance.