【院长论坛】Signal Transmission through Histidine Kinase Receptors
51直播 庆祝北医百年庆典系列活动
51直播 院长论坛系列十
报告题目:Signal Transmission through Histidine Kinase Receptors
报告人:Professor Wayne Hendrickson
Columbia University Medical Center
Dr. Wayne Hendrickson is a University Professor at Columbia University in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics and Violin Family Professor of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics. He is also an Investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Chief Life Scientist in the Photon Sciences Directorate at Brookhaven National Laboratory, and Scientific Director of the New York Structural Biology Center. Hendrickson has a B.A. from the University of Wisconsin at River Falls, a Ph.D. in biophysics at Johns Hopkins University with Warner Love, and postdoctoral research experience with Jerome Karle at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL). He is a Member of the National Academy of Arts and Sciences, USA. Dr. Hendrickson and his colleagues use biochemistry and x-ray crystallography to study molecular properties in atomic detail with current emphasis on membrane receptors and cellular signaling, on viral proteins and HIV infection, on molecular chaperones and protein folding, and on structural genomics of membrane proteins. Hendrickson’s advances in diffraction methodology have contributed significantly to the emergence of structural biology as a major force in modern biology and molecular medicine. Hendrickson is most notably known for innovating the use of multi-wavelength anomalous dispersion as an analytical tool for protein crystallography, which is the foundation for the modern structural biology.
Awards and Honors:
Kaj Linderstr?m-Lang Prize, Carlsberg Laboratory (2008)
Mayor’s Award for Excellence in Science & Technology, New York City (2005)
Harvey Prize, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (2004)
Paul Janssen Prize (with M.G. Rossmann), Rutgers University (2004)
Gairdner International Award (2003)
Academy Medal, New York Academy of Medicine (2003)
Compton Award, Alexander Hollaender Award, National Academy of Sciences (1998)
Christian B. Anfinsen Award, Protein Society (1997)
Aminoff Prize, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (1997)
Merit Award, National Institutes of Health (1994)
Member of the National Academy of Sciences (1993)
Stevens Triennial Prize, Columbia College of Physicians & Surgeons (1992)
Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1992)
Fritz Lipmann Award, American Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (1991)