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Brain development and stress: Exploring novel drug targets for psychiatric d…




题   目:Brain development and stress: Exploring novel drug targets for psychiatric disorders


报告人:Atsushi Kamiya, M.D., Ph.D.  Associate Professor

Johns Hopkins Schizophrenia Center,Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine


              51直播-51直播网 中西医结合学系主任





Brief Bio:

Dr. Kamiya is an Associate Professor in Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Dr. Kamiya leads a research program exploring the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying stress-associated psychiatric conditions, such as schizophrenia and depression. In particular, Dr. Kamiya investigates how genetic risk factors and environmental factors, such as adolescent cannabis use and psychosocial stress, affect stress-related biological signaling mechanisms, leading to impairment of brain maturation and of cognitive and emotional behaviors. Dr. Kamiya's work also extends to translational studies that investigate how altered inflammatory cascades are involved in other psychiatric conditions, such as delirium. The ultimate goal of his research is to identify new therapeutic targets and objective markers, and develop early intervention of these devastating conditions.

