报告人:秦志海 研究员时间: 2013年12月4日 (星期三)下午4:00
地点:北京大学医学部 生化楼3楼中厅
主持人:邱晓彦 教授
主办:51直播-51直播网 免疫学系
秦志海,中科院生物物理研究所百人计划研究员,主要从事细胞因子介导的肿瘤间质细胞相互作用在抗肿瘤免疫中的研究。1992年获德 国医学博士学位,后到美国 Fox Chase研究所作博士后;1994年回到德国MDC分子医学中心任研究组长;2000年柏林自由大学任终生研究员;2003年应聘为生物物理研究所百人计划研究员。负责并参与完成多项国家自然科学基金委重点项目、面上项目,科技部863计划、973计划项目等。
1) Wang C, Xiao M, Liu X, Ni C, Liu J, Erben U, Qin Z*. Interferon gamma-mediated down-regulation of LXA4 is necessary for the maintenance of non-resolving inflammation and papilloma persistence. Cancer Res. 2013 Jan 16. [Epub ahead of print].
2) Zhao X, Rong L, Zhao X, Li X, Liu X, Deng J, Wu H, Xu X, Erben U, WU P, Syrbe U, Sieper J, Qin Z*. 2012. TNFR-2 dependent caspase-8 repression is necessary for peripheral MDSC accumulation. J Clin Invest, 2012. 122(11): p. 4094-104
3) Zhang, J., L. Chen, M. Xiao, C. Wang, and Z. Qin*, FSP1+ fibroblasts promote skin carcinogenesis by maintaining MCP-1-mediated macrophage infiltration and chronic inflammation. Am J Pathol, 2011. 178(1): p. 382-90.
4) Ding, X., W. Yang, X. Shi, P. Du, L. Su, Z. Qin*, J. Chen*, and H. Deng*, TNF receptor 1 mediates dendritic cell maturation and CD8 T cell response through two distinct mechanisms. J Immunol, 2011. 187(3): p. 1184-91.
5) Chen, H., H. Sun, F. You, W. Sun, X. Zhou, L. Chen, J. Yang, Y. Wang, H. Tang, Y. Guan, W. Xia, J. Gu, H. Ishikawa, D. Gutman, G. Barber, Z. Qin, and Z. Jiang, Activation of STAT6 by STING is critical for antiviral innate immunity. Cell, 2011. 147(2): p. 436-46.
6) Li, J., Y. Lu, J. Zhang, H. Kang, Z. Qin*, and C. Chen*, PI4KIIalpha is a novel regulator of tumor growth by its action on angiogenesis and HIF-1alpha regulation. Oncogene, 2010. 29(17): p. 2550-9.
7) Xiao, M., C. Wang, J. Zhang, Z. Li, X. Zhao, and Z. Qin*, IFNgamma promotes papilloma development by up-regulating Th17-associated inflammation. Cancer Research, 2009. 69(5): p. 2010-7.
8) Lu, Y., W. Yang, C. Qin, L. Zhang, J. Deng, S. Liu, and Z. Qin*, Responsiveness of stroma fibroblasts to IFN-gamma blocks tumor growth via angiostasis. J Immunol, 2009. 183(10): p. 6413-21.