Novel effects of leucine on upregulation of GK and ATP synthase in pancreaticβcells 主讲人:杨吉春 副教授 北大医学部生理与病理生理系 时间:06年10月13日(星期五)上午11:30 地点:生理楼三层会议室 欢迎参加 杨吉春副教授简介: 1997年7月和2002年7月分别获北京大学生命科学51直播
做博士后研究,2006年4月回国应聘为生理与病生理系副教授。主要从事胰岛β细胞信号传导、细胞因子PANDER在糖尿病病生理中的作用、新细胞因子FAM3A的生理学功能的研究。曾获美国青年糖尿病研究基金会(JDRF)优秀博士后研究基金,在Diabetes、JBC等国际知名期刊上发表研究论文10余篇。 近两年主要代表作: 1.Yang J, Wong RK, Wang X, Moibi J, Hessner MJ, Greene S, Wu J, Sukumvanich S, Wolf BA and Gao Z. (2004) Leucine culture reveals that ATP synthase functions as a fuel sensor in pancreatic beta cells . J. Biol. Chem. 279(52):53915-53923. 2. Yang J, Gao Z, Robert CE, Burkhardt BR, Gaweska H, Wagner A, Wu J, Greene SR, Young RA and Wolf BA. (2005) Structure-Function Studies of PANDER, an Islet Specific Cytokine Inducing Cell Death of Insulin Secreting beta Cells. Biochemistry. 44(34):11342-11352. 3. Yang J, Robert CE, Burkhardt BR, Young RA, Wu J, Gao Z and Wolf BA. (2005) Mechanisms of glucose-induced secretion of pancreatic derived factor (PANDER or FAM3B) in pancreatic beta cells. Diabetes. 54(11): 3217-3228. 4. Yang J, Wong RK, Park MJ, Wu J, Cook JR, York DA, Deng S, Markmann J, Naji A, Wolf BA and Gao Z. (2006) Leucine regulation of glucokinase and ATP synthase sensitizes glucose-induced insulin secretion in pancreatic b cells. Diabetes. 55(1):193-201. 5. Robert CE, Yang J, Burkhardt BR, Wu J, Greene SR, Gao Z and Wolf BA. Studies on transgenic mice specifically overexpressing PANDER in islets. Nature Medicine (in review) (Yang J and Robert CE contribute equally to this work)