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【院长论坛】Feeding the heart with fat



   51直播 庆祝北医百年庆典系列活动

51直播 院长论坛系列六

报告题目:Feeding the heart with fat

报告人:Ira J. GoldbergDickinson Richards Professor

            Division of Preventive Medicine and Nutrition

Department of Medicine

Columbia University

College of Physicians & Surgeons

时间: 2012515 (星期二)下午200


主持人: 刘立副教授

Academic Training:

College: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, B.S., 1971

Medical School: Harvard Medical School, M.D., 1975



Dr. Ira J. Goldberg is Dickinson Richards Professor and Division Chief of Preventive Medicine and Nutrition in the Dept. of Medicine, College of Physicians & Surgeons, Columbia University, New York.   Dr. Goldberg got his B.S. in Massachusetts Institute of Technology and M.D. in Harvard Medical School.   Since 1983, Dr. Goldberg have done the clinical and research work on the effect of Lipid metabolism on diabetes and cardiovascular disease in Columbia University Medical Center. His major interesting are on three parts: 1. Regulation of Lipoprotein lipase (LpL) 2.   Effects of lipid uptake on cardiac function and 3. Atherosclerosis.  Until now, Dr. Goldberg has published more than 160 papers on top–tier Journals including Science, Journal of Clinical Investigation, Cell Metabolism and Journal of Biological Chemistry.  Currently, Dr. Goldberg is Associate Editor of Journal of Lipid ResearchJournal of Clinical Lipidology;   Editorial board  of   American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism and Reviewer for New England Journal of Medicine , Journal of Clinical Investigation, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Arteriosclerosis. Thrombosis. Vasc. Biol. and Journal of Lipid Research