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【院长论坛】A novel KDM4 inhibitor controls triple-negative breast cancer stem…




报告题目A novel KDM4 inhibitor controls triple-negative breast cancer stem cells.

报告人Prof. Dr. Roland Schuele

Professor, Scientific Director, Dept. of Urology and Director, Center for Clinical Research

Freiburg University Medical Centre


Speaker CRC 992 Medical Epigenetics.



主持人:细胞生物学系 杜晓娟 教授



1.       Duteil, D., Tosic, M., Willmann, W., Georgiadi, A., Kanouni, T. and Schüle, R. (2017) Lsd1 prevents age-programed loss of beige adipocytes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, in press.

2.       Metzger E, Willmann D, McMillan J, Forne I, Petroll K, Metzger P, Gerhardt S, Maessenhausen A, Schott A-K, Espejo A, Eberlin A, Wohlwend D, Schüle KM, Schleicher M, Perner S, Bedford MT, Jung M, Dengjel J, Flaig R, Imhof A, Einsle O and Schüle R. Assembly of methylated LSD1 and CHD1 drives ARdependent transcription and translocation. Nat Struct Mol Biol., 23, 132-139, 2016.

3.       Duteil D, Metzger E, Willmann D, Karagianni P, Friedrichs N, Greschik H, Günther T, Buettner R, Talianidis I, Metzger D and Schüle R. LSD1 promotes oxidative metabolism of white adipose tissue. Nat Commun. 5, 4093, 2014

4.       Zhu D, H?lz S, Metzger E, Pavlovic M, Jandausch A, Jilg C, Galgoczy P, Herz C, Moser M, Metzger D,ünther T, Arnold SJ and Schüle R. Lsd1 regulates differentiation onset and migration of trophoblast stem cells. Nat. Commun. 5, 3174-3184, 2014.

5.       Metzger E, Imhof A, Patel D, Kahl K, Hoffmeyer K, Friedrichs F, Müller JM, Greschik H, Kirfel J, Ji S, Kunowska N, Beisenherz-Huss C, Günther T, Buettner R and Schüle R. Phosphorylation of histone H3T6 by PKCβI controls demethylation at histone H3K4. Nature464, 792-796, 2010.

6.       Metzger E, Wissmann M, Yin N, Müller JM, Schneider R, Peters HFM, Günther T, Buettner R and Schüle R. LSD1 demethylates repressive histone marks to promote androgen receptor dependent transcription. Nature 437, 436-439, 2005. 


