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【院长论坛】Pragmatic Trials in Traditional Chinese Medicine Research





  报告题目:Pragmatic Trials in Traditional Chinese Medicine Research

  报告人:Prof. Claudia Witt

  Chair, Complementary and Integrative Medicine, University of Zurich, and Director, Institute for Complementary and Integrative Medicine, University Hospital Zurich






  Claudia Witt is a medical doctor, epidemiologist and research methodologist who is internationally recognized for her work on acupuncture. Dr. Witt's career has been dedicated to patient-centered approaches to health care. Her research has made substantial contributions to the evidence on efficacy, effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and safety of complementary and integrative medicine. She is committed to the training of future generations of integrative medicine physicians and researchers; she developed the first postgraduate international summer school on clinical research methods in this field. Over the last 15 years, she has conducted a number of large trials with a total of over 50,000 patients and has published over 120 peer-reviewed publications including papers in leading medical journals.


  Selective publications:

  Witt CM, Liu J, Robinson N. Combining 'omics and comparative effectiveness research: Evidence-based clinical research decision making for Chinese medicine. Science. 2015;347(6219 Suppl):26-27.

  Berman B, Langevin H, Witt C, Dubner R. Acupuncture for chronic low back pain. N Engl J Med. 2010;363(5):454-461.

  Witt C, Brinkhaus B, Jena S, Linde K, Streng A, Wagenpfeil S, Hummelsberger J, Walther H, Melchart D, Willich S. Acupuncture in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee: a randomised trial. The Lancet. 2005;366(9480):136-143.

  Linde K, Streng A, Juergens S, Hoppe A, Brinkhaus B, Witt C, Wagenpfeil S, Pfaffenrath V, Hammes M, Weidenhammer W, Willich S, Melchart D. Acupuncture for patients with migraine: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2005;293(17):2118-2125.