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【院长论坛】Curcumin and dietary polyphenol research: beyond drug development




报告题目:Curcumin and dietary polyphenol research: beyond drug development

报告人:Tianru Jin, PhD

              Professor, Dept. of Medicine

              Dept. of Lab Medicine and Pathobiology

              Dept. of Physiology

              Univ. of Toronto         

时    间:2017 年12 月15 日(星期五)上午10:00

地    点:生理楼二层中厅



金天如教授现为多伦多大学医学系、生理学系教授,BBDC 和University Health Network 资深研究员,教育部海外名师。金天如教授长期从事GLP-1 表达和功能研究,首次把Wnt信号通路引入GLP-1研究领域,并长期注重胰岛素和Wnt 信号通路的对话等方面的基础研究工作。近年来开展了如何利用膳食多酚类物质研究肝脏胰岛素功能和胰岛素抵抗的基础研究工作。

金天如教授的工作长期受到加拿大健康研究院、加拿大糖尿病学会的资助。共发表文章106篇。现担任Am. J. Physiology (Endo/Metab) 和J of Endocrine Society 编委。

Representative Publications:

1.      Ghazarian M, Revelo XS, N?hr MK, Luck H, Zeng K, Lei H, Tsai S, Schroer SA, Park YJ, Hui Yng Chng M, Shen L, D’Angelo JA, Horton P, Chapman WC,  Brockmeier D, Woo M, Engleman EG, Adeyi O, Hirano N, Jin T, Gehring AJ, Winer S, Winer D. (2017). Type I Interferon Responses Drive Intrahepatic T cells to Promote Metabolic Syndrome. Science Immunology. 2(10): eaai7616.

2.      Zeng K, Tian L, Patel R, Shao W, Song Z, Liu L, Manuel J, Ma X, McGilvray I, Cummins CL, Weng J, Jin T. (2017). Diet polyphenol curcumin stimulates hepatic Fgf21production and restores its sensitivity in high fat diet fed male mice. Endocrinology. 158(2): 277-292.

3.      Liu W, Son DO, Lau HK, Zhou Y, Prud’homme GJ, Jin T, Wang Q. (2017). Combined Oral Administration of GABA and DPP-4 Inhibitor Prevents Beta Cell Damage and Promotes Beta Cell Regeneration in Mice. Front Pharmacol. 8: 362.

4.      Tian L, Song Z, Shao W, Du WW, Zhao LR, Zeng K, Yang BB, Jin T. (2017). Curcumin represses mouse 3T3-L1 cell adipogenic differentiation via inhibiting miR-17-5p and stimulatingthe Wnt signaling pathway effector Tcf7l2. Cell Death and Disease. 8(1): e2559.

5.      Revelo XS, Ghazarian M, Chng MH, Luck H, Kim JH, Zeng K, Shi SY, Tsai S, Lei H, Kenkel J, Liu CL, Tangsombatvisit S, Tsui H, Sima C, Xiao C, Shen L, Li X, Jin T, Lewis GF, Woo M, Utz PJ, Glogauer M, Engleman E, Winer S, Winer DA. (2016). Nucleic Acid-Targeting Pathways Promote Inflammation in Obesity-Related Insulin Resistance. Cell Report. 16(3): 717-30.


