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Structural basis for the suppression of skin cancers by DNA polymerase eta




报告题目:Structural basis for the suppression of skin cancers by DNA polymerase eta

报告人:Timothy Silverstein  Ph.D.

                Columbia University

时间: 2012423 (星期一)下午300


主持人: 尹玉新教授


Dr. Silverstein works on the structure basis of DNA polymerase h, especially interested in its role in the suppression of skin cancer. Dr. Silverstein received his Ph.D. in Biomedical Science from Mount Sinai School of Medicine and has been a postdoctoral fellow in Columbia University. Dr. Silverstain has won several awards during his PhD training, including Terry A. Krulwich Doctoral Dissertation Award and Pre-doctoral fellowship on NIH grant.


1.    Silverstein, T.D., Johnson, R.E., Jain, R., Prakash, L., Prakash, S., and Aggarwal, A.K. Structural basis for the suppression of skin cancers by DNA polymerase h. Nature 465 1039–43 (2010).

2.    Silverstein, T.D., Johnson, R.E., Jain, R., Prakash, L., Prakash, S., and Aggarwal, A.K.Structural basis for error-free replication of oxidatively damaged DNA by yeast DNA polymerase η. Structure 18, 1463–70 (2010).