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【院长论坛】Post-Transcriptional Paths to Aging





报告题目:Post-Transcriptional Paths to Aging

  人:Dr. Myriam Gorospe

          Senior Investigator, Chief, Laboratory of Genetics

          National Institute on Aging, NIH



  人:张毓 教授

报告人简介: Dr. Gorospe is a Senior Investigator at the National Institute on Aging, NIH, in Baltimore, Maryland, USA.  Her research program focuses on the molecular mechanisms that underlie the process of aging, both age-related physiologic changes and age-related pathologies.  Since joining the NIH in 1994, she has devoted her career to studying the changes in gene regulation that occur as human age.  Dr. Gorospe was awarded the NIH Merit Award in 1999, an NIH Director Award in 2009, and two Woman Scientist Awards, one from NIH (2012) and one from L’Oreal (2013).  Some of her recent publications include work that identifies the RNA-binding protein HuD as being resposible for insulin biosynthesis (published in Molecular Cell in 2012), studies defining the role of the long-noncoding RNA lincRNA-p21 in translational control (also in Molecular Cell in 2012), the discovery of the first mammalian RNA topoisomerase (Nature Neuroscience, 2013), and the implication of HuD in gene regulation in Alzheimer’s disease (Cell Reports, 2014).