【院长论坛】Delayed neuronal death in stroke: the BNIP3 pathway
51直播 庆祝北医百年庆典系列活动
51直播 院长论坛系列十二
报告题目:Delayed neuronal death in stroke: the BNIP3 pathway
报告人:Professor Jiming Kong
Faculty of Medicine
University of Manitoba Winnipeg,Canada
Dr. Jiming Kong earned his Bachelor of Medicine in 1983 from Luzhou Medical College and PhD degree in 1994 from the First Military Medical University. He joined the Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Science, University of Manitoba as an Assistant Professor in 2002. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 2006 and Professor in 2011. Dr. Kong’s research program is directed to the understanding of molecular regulation of neuronal cell death in neurodegenerative diseases. Using in vivo and in vitro models of stroke, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia and depression, his group examines suggests posttranslational oxidative modification of SOD1 as a factor of age-related onset of neurodegenerative diseases, investigates the role of mitochondrial death-inducing proteins in regulating mitophagy and delayed neuronal death in stroke, and tests a demyelinating hypothesis of schizophrenia. Dr. Kong is a recipient of the prestigious Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada New Investigator award (2004-2009) and a principal investigator of the Canadian Stroke Network (since 2007), which is one of the Centers of Excellence of in Canada. His research program is continuously supported by international and national grant agencies such as the Muscular Dystrophy Association (USA), National Natural Science Foundation of China, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Canadian Stroke Network, Canada Foundation for Innovation, and Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. In recent 5 years, he has published 35 publications scientific papers and composed 3 book chapters.
Awards and Honors:
1. Kong J. New Investigator Award ($250,000), Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, 2004-2009.
2. Kong J. Faculty fellowship ($24,000), Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba. 2000-2001
3. Kong J. Postdoctoral fellowship ($76,100), Lucille P. Markey Charitable Trust, MA, USA. 1995-1998.
4. Kong J. Scholarship ($13,600), the World Health Organization, Washington, DC, USA. , 1994-1995.
5. Kong J. Sino-British Trust Fellowship ($19,000, Declined). The Royal Society, London, United Kingdom. 1989.