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【院长论坛】Gene Regulation in Cellular Senescence



  51直播 院长论坛系列二十

  报告题目:Gene Regulation in Cellular Senescence

  报告人:Masashi Narita, MD. PhD.

  Cancer Research UK,Cambridge Research Institute

时间:2012年10月23日(星期二)下午2: 30-3:30



报告人简介:Masashi Narita started his career as a clinician (oncological surgery) in 1992, and after 4-5 years practice, he went on to PhD course studying apoptosis. In 2000, Dr. Narita moved to Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (Scott Lowe’s lab) in the U.S. to start senescence study as a postdoc, there he first described SAHFs( senescence associated heterochromatin foci) and its fundamental role in gene regulation during cellular senescence. In 2006, Dr. Narita moved to Cambridge, UK, and started his own lab focusing on gene regulation during senescence through high-order chromatin structure as well as protein turnover. So far, Dr. Narita has published nearly 50 papers on Cell, Science, Nature, Nat Cell Biol., PNAS, Genes Dev, Molecular Cell, Cancer Cell, Aging Cell, EMBO J ., J Biol Chem, Cancer Res. Autophagy etc..


  1. Narita M, Young AR, Arakawa S, et al. Spatial Coupling of mTOR and Autophagy Augments Secretory Phenotypes. Science 2011, 332: 966-70

  2. Young ARJ, Narita M, Ferreira M, et al. Autophagy mediates the mitotic-senescence transition. Genes Dev. 2009 23: 798-803

  3. Narita M, Narita M, Krizhanovsky V, et al. A Novel Role for High-Mobility Group A Proteins in Cellular Senescence and Heterochromatin Formation. Cell 2006, 126: 503-14

  4. Narita M, Nunez S, Heard E, Narita M, Lin AW, Hearn SA, Spector DL, Hannon GJ & Lowe SW. Rb-Mediated Heterochromatin Formation and Silencing of E2F Target Genes during Cellular Senescence. Cell 2003, 113: 703-16

  5. Chandra T, Kirschner K, Thuret JY, et al. Independence of repressive histone marks and chromatin compaction during senescent heterochromatic layer formation. Mol Cell. 2012 Jul 27;47(2):203-14